Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 205

Just be careful, there is no big mistake, mixed in the sea, most of which is safe than individual action.

But it is really boring!

He is bored to look at the auctioneer of the center of the stage.

The grandfather is passionate at this moment.

"One thousand five hundred gold souls are the first time! There is no higher price, this is the most complete manuscript of Freud, which is missing this!"

The blade even saw the sputum of the sputum that fell out of the so-called Freud Master.

To put from this Freud Master's blade, I feel that I have met, but I can't think of it, but it should not be an important role.

In the end, no one will increase the price, this price is above.

There are only dozens of people in the VIP, but there are nearly half of this auction to fall into their hands, but the black and white mask is almost no open, just waiting quietly, as for anything, don't have to say anything.

On the auction, the time is like this.

The blade is studying the map of the city of Dawn by a bright light.

The girl on the right side only felt away from the hustle and bustle, and the hearts of the fierce bidding sounds in the field returned to calm.

The blade looks up and looks at her, she is right, so charming eyes ...

"I hate ~"


Fu Po: "..."

Several mutual mutual confident men's compatriots: "..."

Hahaha, the illusion must be an illusion!

The blade once again let these .

Now he can enjoy a good time belonging to him alone!


This auction is over when the blade is again looked up again.

Just now, a black alurity played on the spot, and the sword was arrogant. In the end, the auction house is still pressed out.

The soul bone is finally taken by the black mask man with a price of 51 million gold soul coins.

I feel that I am really poor for a moment, look at the discouragement of people!

Most people in the spot also increased in the case of one hundred and hundred gold soul coins.

The auction will end, the blade gets up, he wants to get the backfragrant of him.

The average person holds this back blood, it is actually very limited. In the case of the blade, it is "I want to hack you, I still want to have a chance to return this kind of slag?".

This medicine is the most suitable fact that he is a professional with a small life to withdraw the battlefield every time.

The old girl of the more than 300 pounds looked at the blade hesitated for a while.

"Little handsome guy, this is a business card of my sister."

I looked at her with a heart: "No, you leave it to others."

Regardless of this rich woman, the path is straight.

If the bill shows his location, how do he sit in this body, a woman who is disapplying?

Fortunately, she did not move manual feet, otherwise, he will be able to hit her after going out!

The girl on the right side scratched his head. Is he broken men?

Yeah! so annoying!

Most people in the field returned to the empty hand, but dared to come in generally don't care about that point, they will open their eyes.

After paying the money, the blade went smoothly to his backfragrance. When he came out, he met the black mask male, and he was got by the staff to another reverse.

The blade is silently blessing for its blessings, and the goal of the many wars who works outside is now determined.

But what is this with his knife?

He is just mixed into the crowd, and then if you don't have something to go back to the hotel.

In this case, if there is no need, he will not go to the dangerous life of this tiger, 50 levels of confrontation, and he is a person who has more than 20 souls of the soul of the soul.

Hey, it's really courage!

Of course, his greatest concern still doesn't know if there are some old people who are not dead in a certain corner.

People are old, whoever breaks someone else's horses who have hit a lifetime in the soul of the soul, and I don't know how to die.

After a little change, the blade went to the safe exit.

If you really have expected, those souls who drink tea chatting in the periphery are not their small shrimp.

Don't know, in short, he is going back to the hotel smoothly, standing in front of the open big side window, enjoying the brilliance of the light wall, probably knowing this soul in the bottom of the deer!

If he is a black mask, he chooses to be easy to mix into the crowd, but considering that it is not that everyone will be easy to accomplish.

Then a better strategy is to hide in the auction for ten or a half months, what is looking for a chance to leave.

Or let's find an attractive firepower for the death ghost, and then take it out.

Of course there is still a lot of methods, but there is a way to blame, and the most perfect method, no one!

That is, "a cloud, thousands of people, thousands of people, as long as I am more than you, as long as I fist than you, I can shake the waves!

Which one will it be?

The blade hopes that the other party can have a more perfect detachment plan, and he has never stopped learning new knowledge.

Time is not early, he is going to start today's cultivation.

If you come over, if you come over, if you come over, or what you have never came back in the next night, you will prove that the other party is not worthy of his expectation, it is not professional.

Mingguang stone is paved, and the disc is put down, and now he has to break through the twenty-nine level.

Deep cultivation.

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