Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 206

On the other hand, there is a garden in the city of peace of mind,

Some people are still waiting, and some women picking up the white mask are waiting to report the situation.

"Is it wrong?" She frowned deeply.

"The generals, the ambushing point is still unhappy!" There was a man who had a black battle suit and came in to tell the password.

"Is the inside of the inside, or the other party temporarily changed the evacuation route?" The woman muttered.

The woman suddenly noted a serious problem. Her belly is not half a cent from usually short?

A touch of black mang into its vision.

Wan Years? !

Women instantly sweat, martial arts! The third soul technology - the wind shield!

The devastating black boulder shot on him! The wind shield was broken in the blink of an eye.

The woman flew out, and a man's waist rough trees were broken!

"Protect General !!"

There are more than 50 people here, they are elite, this is planned to be prepared to break the black mask.

And this raid, no matter what is not yet, I don't say it, I will go out, once I have been in the fifty people, the soul of the fifty-second level does not necessarily live.

But it is not difficult to break out before it doesn't have a hollow.

As a strong attack soul, his breakout is so simple - rushing!

Looking at this black dress far away, one person loudly: "Take a look at the general situation!"

The woman's hard standing, her image is really a wolf, her face is pale, the mouth is full of blood, but the shirt is born, but there is no spring light spulling, the moonlight is blinking ...

Today is not because this cloud master can create a soft armor in the body, even if the other party suddenly hits it, it is enough to make her seriously injured.

"General, what is your injury?" A woman asked urgently.

"Cough ... Nothing." The woman pulled a cough and put his hand.

At this moment, she regretted that she did not take the strain back.

"General ..." The woman quickly wanted to support her, but she was pushed away by her.

"Take it first to the injured brethren, then immediately evacuate." Her voice did not undefeabble.

Looking at the direction of the assassin, her heart is secretly laughing: "It is a Wushu Temple, this hand is powerful."


On the other place, the man who has dragged down the black mask in the sewer has just handled the inner ghost in the team.

"Stupid goods, you really didn't find anything? But in order to measure the megadownload, if you don't cause too much impact, today you have to die." He looked at the corpse and smiled coldly.

The sewage in the sewer is in the wind, and the stink is smoked. However, he doesn't care, and the few people behind him are unresponsive, and a face is light.

The next day, the first thing that the blade was to take out the blood grass, and some other flower grass.

He is preparing to make a supplemented by osmium, which will make the medicinal power to make the blood of the blood to maximize the medication.

Direct service is too rough, waste.

Grinding, extraction, proportionally mix, steamed, dried into a group, and a wax dress in a unique order.


This is really simple to blame, no challenging.

When the eleven Dan medicine was placed in the jade bottle, he got up and stretched a lazy waist.

There is a sun to spill the earth outside the window.

He is preparing to continue his purpose - investigate the customs of Douro's mainland.

However, the time is not early or I will eat a breakfast, don't go out, there are many people who haven't finished food in his soul tunnel.

Take out a bag of crab yellow big buns, although it is cold, but the taste is still quite good.


Knock on the door.

The blade will open the door from the eyes of the cat.

Outside the door is a man pushing a car.

He has seen the blade, but it was still stunned again, even if the blade is holding a big bun, holding a bag of big buns in his hand.

The taste of this bun is so familiar. It should be the crab yellow bag of the big yellow bag near the hotel?

"I bothering sir, I gave you wine." The service staff had a professional smile.

The buns in the blade were smiled and said: "Will not send the wrong, I can don't drink."

"Please rest assured, today is the 20th anniversary of this shop, according to the practice we will give each guest for free."

The blade smiled and said: "This, then I am welcome."

The waiter felt very comfortable, because the eyes of this person did not have the high pride, the smile was naturally intimate.

"Need me to send it?"

The blade smiled and swayed: "I don't bother you, I will give it to me."

"Okay, you are good." The waiter was carefully passed on a bottle of wine to the blade.

The blade will take the buns after recurring.


"You are too polite, I wish you a good time today."

"You too."

At the door, the blade carefully looked at the wine in his hand, the hotel owner was atmospheric, and this rose wine looks quite high.

Although he never drinks, this does not hinder him to accept, saying that it is a good idea of ​​others.

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