Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 207

Chapter 95 These two stink!

A middle-aged elderly people near the peace of mind auction house.

On the chessboard, one less is in a fierce confrontation.

"It's not countless, this pace is wrong, if you don't have the old chess, how can you go such a step in a step!"

"Lao Xu, you still have to face, and play chess with people in playing?"

"Just, how do you see how we are old after life?"

For the old man, the stupid behavior of the old man, the old man, the old man, speech, speech.

The old man known as Lao Xu is a bit angry. "What is it? What else doesn't look wrong with the wrong chess? What is the event between this chess?! This is just right correction! "

Nearly a few old ages are extremely disdainful, this is the reason for your regret?

The blade smiled and said: "Since it is a mistake in Xu Lao, it is natural to correct it."

Lao Xu Daxi, I am proud to go to an old man: "I saw it? The knife brother is the heart of the chess, there should be! Hey, these old guys, it is not a few A mountain! "

This old Xu is a urine, who doesn't know? There is no hard power in the hands, but this mouth is full of enthusiasm!

Do you regret chess? Also become us?

It seems that this old kid is still too small, blames them, really!

Lao Xu said that there was a hand, and the blade was sensitive, skilled moves, and the face was full of calmness. It immediately inferred that this old Xu frankly often do this.

It is no harmful elegance.

"Hahaha! What do I say? That step is wrong! Take a look at this chess bureau, instantly lose, clear into the magic! This is, I carefully plan the chess game!"

Several old people disdain, you have carefully planned your brush, but it is a cat's death!

"Xu Laoqi is deep, the blade will be worsen to worship the wind." The blade laughed with the arch.

This is very useful, and the smile and white beard: "It is said that it is good to say that the knife brother is not good. It can support this in the old man in the old man, it is really!"

"Xu Lao has a prize, how can I agree with you this prairie? It's really embarrassing.

"The knife brother doesn't have to be self-purple, you will come again, let the old man pass by you tweak ..."

Looking at him, I am deeply weak, and a few old people are deeply weak, do you have anything you do? ! This is not careful to win a game. Drink a few drinks before?


After bid farewell to several old people, the blade went to the free trading market.

Today, he still has several places to go.

In addition, in the middle and old-aged aunt's chat, he also knew that he also known this wind calm last night.

It seems that the black mask is a little thing!



In the Blue University, the teacher, the shade, Zhao Wuyi and the old Li, small bench, tea table, ... um? It turned out to be tea.

"Old Zhao, how did you sigh?" Lao Li poured two cups of hot tea open mouth.

Zhao has no extremely straight to the Baptu: "I don't know how the kid is the kid?"

Lao Li Hao has a good life after the tea: "How, worry? This is not as you."

Zhao Wuyi picked up his thumb with the tea cup disdain: "Worry? You don't know if you don't know, the hint! He mentioned that he is a good hand in the running road.

Who is possible, but the kid is fixed. What's more, the environment in the mainland is more than a few decades ago, I am worried about a fart. "

Lao Li put down the tea cup, curious: "What is you sigh?"

"Hey!" Zhao helmy sighed and put the tea cup down.

"It's really that kid suddenly left some uncomfortable! The kid took a good thing in three days to honor our old guys, and he is here, it is a bit more than this."

Lao Li smiled: "This is also, the kid is walking, come over to find us, the old guy is probably we have a few old guys, and the three gold a few days ago, I complained about the filial piety of the boy, all day Sugar beans are not a matter. "

Zhao Wuyi picked up a bit of a piece of tea cup, and the Lao Li pointed corner, this is his collection!

Sure enough, shouldn't you make Zhao's unpretched?

"Three gold, this old kid, he lives, he eats sugar beans every day. If you have a soul, the teacher canteen is not willing to move, lying on the door in the door all day, is not cultivating, as?"

"Old Zhao, don't say, I have listened to the three gold before I said that he was practice!

You may not know much, but the cultivation of the food is so mas, before listening to the three gold says that there is a soul of the garlic martial art, as long as it is buried in the soil, it can achieve the effect of cultivation. "

Zhao Wuji: "..."

"This, then let him eat the sun all day to eat sugar beans." Zhao helmy flexed.

When the two people said, I didn't have a topic. As soon as the retired old uncle in the shade of the park talks about the sky, I will remember the brilliance of myself.

"Lao Zhao, you are not small, have there be a plan?" Lao Li put down the tea cup.

Zhao Wuyi put down the tea cup to be sinking: "There is no right to look, then say."

Lao Li sighed: "For so many years, I should put it down. She probably doesn't want you to go."

Zhao Wuyi fists slightly, silence.

Lao Li said helplessly shakes his head, saying that, but what is it easy to put down and talk about it?

For a long time, Zhao has no way: "Let's go."

"It is also, this is stronger than you."


"Rong Rong, you said that we are waiting to play?" Xiao dance hugged his radish.

Today, the master gave them a half-day holiday, which is not a general rare.

Ning Rong Rong is lying in bed, did not answer the rabbit, and she looked at Zhu Ziqing: "Zhu Qing, you are ready to do in the afternoon."


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