Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 208

Zhu Ziqing's sight did not leave the "battle example analysis" in his hand.

Ning Rong Rong sat up and blocked the little dance.

The little dance is god, and it will jump to the Zhuzhuqing bed.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the little dance.

The little dance suddenly passed on her, and the arm of Zhu Ziqing was tightly controlled, and the two small groups were warm and constantly applied to her arms.

"Zhu Qing, you can't do this, the master said that it is necessary to work and rest to achieve the effect of halving!"

Zhu Zhuqing wants to break away.

"Zhu Qing ~ Are you not listening to the masters?" Xiao dance hugged her hand and took a few points.

Zhu Zhuqing just opened: "I ..."

"Zhu Qing, you are not a kind of person, you need to rest." Ning Rongrong hugged another arm, the two regiments were soft and warm and wrapped in the arm of Zhuzhu Qing.

Zhu Zhuqing's face rose pink, I want to break free, but Ning Rong Rong has prepared, where will I give her opportunity?

Ning Rong Rong once again gave a little dance, a little dance, god, and nodded.

"Zhu Qing ~"

At the same time, the two will fell Zhu Ziqing in bed. Zhu Zhuqing panicked for a while, Xiao Dance and Ning Rongzheng crowded her ... there!

Two pairs of bright eyes are close at hand.

"Zhu Qing ~ take a break ~"


"Well ~"

Two unusual slowdown filled with her ... there!

Zhu Zhu is irritating, how can they so hooligan!


Zhuzhu Qing side faced face, lightly, considered, pink faces and shy expressions are attractive.

The little dance jumps up: "Good yeah! Zhu Qing promised!"

Ning Rong Rong Pao Kok revealed the smile, with this trick to deal with the face of the skinny bamboo clearance, and the trial is not bad.

However, it is big ...

"Rong Rong! Don't worry!" Zhu Zhuqing excited.


These two stink!


Oscar has not returned to sleep, and it is a sword.

It's a few simple actions to come back.

Dai Mu Bai and Ma Hongjun have been looking for relaxation and relaxing so long, why is it rare in the holidays under the master!

They slipped out together after dispersion.

Tang San also did not have a long and lonely baby herbal medicine, but the solitary life hid in a corner was not in the first time.

This kid is really a bit.

He stared at the Icefire two instrument to extract her herbs.


The blade feels that he wants to go bigger today.

He is thinking that it is casually strolling, see the world, but did not expect that the "Qihua Lifetime" recorded a precious herb!

Its name - litter.

It is obviously not to realize the preciousness of the precious flowers.

This is the rhythm of you want to leak!

The doctrine is a woman with a face and a good woman, and its skin is somewhat rough, and there is an old dragonfly in his hand.

I saw the blade stop, she smiled and said: "What do you want to do?"

The blade squatted and smiled and said: "Boss, I am preparing for big purchase, I will see your price is unknown."

The woman is full of joy in the eyes, but it is necessary to open it by an awkward voice.

"Little brother, you come here, I here is more than the kind of medicinal materials, but also the price is also good!"

The blade looks in that it is another booth separated by a booth, and the tympanic species are indeed more.

The stall owner is also a woman who is only looking at many elders. It reveals a savvy color, and the tone is more confident.

The woman sees the blade to vote from the line. It flashes anxious in the eyes, some don't know what it is, I don't know how it is good.

Her family had a little urgent matter to do, and it is probably left behind, and she has completely experienced these things.

"Don't worry, if you are not suitable, I will go to your side again." The blade smiled on the side.

The woman in the heart is unfortunately, and the other party is so embarrassed.

This young man is not the kind of people who are scared to death, but they are empty when they leave.

With the other party, since it is said, since the words say, the new sister there will not be stupid, the festival is, and the big sale will be made into a big sale.

The woman relieves tones, laughs: "Little brother is rest assured, the things of our stalls have always fair."

The knife is nodded: "How much is it for all packages?"

"Ah?" The woman was shocked by his mouth.

The woman who is also concerned about this side is also surprised, and if it comes, it will regret it.

How can she fight for more?

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