Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 217

It's just that the year, Uncle him is good, I want to give him more money. But I am afraid that he will not accept him directly, so he deliberately finds a reason to give him the money.

He knows, and he has always been remembered.

That day he bought two strings of sweet gourd that he had a surprise that he was surprised. He never forgotten.

The improvement of the situation is after he became a ten-level soul teacher.

Relying on the subsidies of this Wushu Temple, he and his sister finally came out from the difficulties, and he was nine years old that year.

Three years later, my sister was dead.

The doctor said that the long-term malnutrition is broken, and it is broken into the foundation, and there is no time to get in time.

At the end, it will be human life when breakout.

No wonder she has been weak and sick.

I still said that I have n'thing to do with him ... I have no fart! Stupid!

Child asked to stand on the street and licked your mouthful gourd, sweet.

Tears did not live in a flow.

He almost refused, because his father said before his death: You are a man, can't cry, be strong, take care of it ... Sister.

He cried and agreed, but it did not achieve ...

Chapter 99 Chapter You this thief old days! Why do you want to me like this! (Not yet! ¯ ▽ ¯) σ)

After getting rid of the ice-faced face of the mutual challenge, the knife came to the square of the Wushu Temple.

The people in the mountains, it is not easy.

The center of the square is looking up to everyone is a huge twelve-wing angel statue, which is equivalent to seeing the enlarged version of the respect not long ago.

Crossing the crowd, the blade goes towards the temple.

Because it is a celebration, there is a lot of guards who are stationed around the gate of the hall and the square. In order to highlight solemn, it is also a non-selling molecule that wants to engage in things like the blade.

I will go in and out, I will go in, after all, he is just one of this kind of beings, and there is no difference.

His camouflage is perfect!

This temple is still very spacious.

The blade is curious to have surroundings, solemn atmosphere, and there is no kindness of the golden vulgar, and the grade has.

The statue of angel is dedicated to the last of the main hall.

After turning a circle, the blade knows that it is difficult to do.

In his keen perception, the most fluent place in the source of life is the small area where the huge statue is situated.

Therefore, people who enter here or deeply feel that life is sublimated.

This is not an illusion, because what is more than ten times around the source of life here.

But this is not important, what is important is how quietly sang it out!

At a glance, you can see that the stone base is the most hard black iron rock in the stone, which is said to be equivalent to the hardness of the iron block, even more winning.

The surroundings are also this dead stinky stone.

What can I do with the special shovel for his backpack?

This shovel went down, the most of the people of others were afraid that they can immediately blocked the groups here.

And from a long discussion, slowly.

"Your thief is old! Why do you want to me like this!" The blade is helpless in your heart.

Then think about how to solve the problem.

In short, the plan can be canceled first, he wants to prepare again to ensure that the light source stone can be removed in the case of unlamatic guard.

His uncle!

I am bother.

The knife came out of the hall with a sugar gourd.

Now he is going to prepare.

"Ice radish? It looks good."

The blade stopped before a signboard.

In the evening, the Blue Billetics.

Today, the poor people once again lived from the master.

I took a shower, Ning Rong stood in front of the window and looked on the window with only a gap.

How is this guy?

Will you eat bad, can't sleep well, what is surprised, or it is in the abroad?

"Little Dance, you said that this guy will not have anything, or how can I haven't come back so long?"

The salted fish rabbit lying on the bed, the rabbit, the squad: "Rong Rong, you are coming again, the guy is a little bit of a little dating, I can't do anything."


Ning Rong looked at the opposite side.

There is a small sparrow opposite, she feels some familiar.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Zhu Zhuqing sat down on the small dance, and was rubbing black hair with white towel.

She looked at the hands of the hands of the two hands in the BA, and she was a bit complicated.

The little dance holds the radish to sit and get a little worried: "I don't know how to do it. The solo will not give him a meal, will not give him a small black house ..."

Zhu Zhuqing comforted her: "Do not worry, solitary is the title of Douro, will not deliberately dismiss Tang San."

"Well!" Xiao Dance is thinking about it.

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