Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 218

But there is still a little worried, after all, there is no news for half a year.

Ning Rong Rong came over and smiled: "Xiao Dance You are worried that the three brothers are turned away by other girls?"

"Only, there is no! Rong Rong can't say, otherwise the small dance sister is welcome!" Xiao Dance was shameless and red, and the lifting of the small fist threatened the little fist.

"No Hu, no Hu, Xiao Dance, Zhu Qing, ready to eat."

Ning Ronglong didn't know that Xiao Dance was careful about this dead rabbit.

Zhu Zhu nodded.

In fact, she is also worried, after all, he is so good.

I think this is a bit upset.

"Zhu Qing, walk!"


Someone is temporarily not to be abducted by a girl, but now there is a middle-aged man wants to turn around.

"This girl, is a person?" A dressed person is a middle-aged man smiles with the blade.

Now that the blade is in a small restaurant, I heard that there are several special dishes, so he specially come.

I didn't expect it to be stared at uncle uncle.

This middle-aged people in the suit, a devotion, only politely open.

Just, the smell of his body has been completely sold, this decay turbidity is really a man who is ate someone.

The blade puts the chopsticks and looked at him coldly: "Celebrate this is in the city, I will give you three seconds and time disappeared from my eyes, otherwise the next day's sunshine is not your share."

The middle-aged man only felt that a turning chill was coming. He was preparing to implement this little man in the idea of ​​this little man in an instant.

Can this sound a wonderful person can make him fear of their heart? !

I just want to open it.

"It seems that you have no retreat, very good, I will send you to the road this evening."

The blade got up, but saw the middle-aged man panicked, and even hit the table, and then rolled the door to climb away ...

He has some boring to rest.

I thought it would be a king, but I didn't expect it to be a melon skin.

It is really a murder that he is ate his knife, but he will take it to him to send him to the god of the gods.

Some people think that the blade is falling. In fact, he is ready to be prepared, but there are still some small places to improve again, such as the arrangement of emergency evacuation routes.

This is the weight of the heavy, and the sloppy tiger is not allowed.

Ok? This secret burning eggplant does not have a taste.


Among the radish hotels, the blade is sitting on the bed. She is looking for a while, she wants to be an extremely dangerous job after the food digestion.

Transform the heavens and flowers into real combat!

Limegie and famous dreams, illusion, lost flowers.

It doesn't have direct killing capabilities, but as long as you draw in a smile, you will fall into the endless entanglement of illusion.

The people in the illusion can't wake up through the external force. In this state, you are a thousand knives. He should laugh, the crying, the pleasure, the call.

There are only two ways to break away from the illusion.

I. Break through the fascinating willpower, go to the illusion, go back to reality.

Second, the drug is taken to consume.

The power of this medicine is still not allowed, and it doesn't even be immunized.

Even if the title Douro has been inhaled, it will be in the environment immediately, and the maximum time is much short.

This is recorded in the "Sihua Large", and the blade is also verified by personally verified that this conclusion is not wrong.

Now he wants to grind it into a sufficiently small dust.

If this is really exposed, he quietly sprinkles a little bit in the air. After all, it is going to engage in things first, but it can't do it too much.

Of course, he also saves a little bit of heaven, after all, this boost is a little less, and it can save a little bit.

There is also to prevent the worst case (caught by the other party).

If he has already torn his face with the Wushu Hall at that time, how do he put it into the embrace of the Wushu Temple?

For his talents such as him, as long as he didn't make too big things, it is naturally possible to have a small thing in the Mold Temple in the Night Wushu.

The Wushu Temple has always been warmly welcomed. He is a little mistake to make a little insignificant. They have no reason not to include him?

(¯ (●●) ¯)


Do not! These are not the reason why he uses less heaven!

He is just too kind.


The grinder held in his hand is the most sophisticated pair in pharmacy, which is specially prepared for grinding the precious medicinal materials.

This is a golden soul coin to dig from the beautiful boss.

He knows that it is definitely expensive, but people's beautiful boss said that it took a lot of money, and it was ancestral, and they also had feelings. This store can be alive.

She is so miserable, can the blade?

The blade did not use the cloth bag, with his small hand, as long as you have no reason to make a problem.

If there is no problem, there is no problem, a little fantasy, what is the big wind of his knife?

The heavens were dried after they dried into small pieces to put the grinding dish.

He started grinding after she took a deep breath.

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