Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 237

If all attacks are all attacked and hit!

What is the high school?

The blade took a satisfactory person, which is more than what the first sword, the spot exploits!

It's really a good sword.

He decided this third soul technology as 'hacked you of these slags'!

It's really a good name.

For a time, he has some sense of enthusiasm. I don't know if I can hack the neighborhood.

But compare.

He thinks this person is still not too floating.

The blade shakes his head and puts up the blade.

Water, food.

Added and retreat, I have left Slack to see his little friends.

When you have added it, the feeling of being peeked in the perception disappeared.

Looking at some direction, the blade is sigh: it is owed to a human condition.

He hates something that owes others, especially the endless thing.

The light of the sun brighs the way away.

The blade took his third soul technology to the starry forest.


Although I have got some trouble along the way, this is not a problem under the front of his interest.

Not afraid of being played, I haven't mentioned it, and the blade will come over.

After kicking a head, I didn't know the dead century-old soul, the blade jumped on the crown.

Looking at the sunny sun, he said: "The direction is right."

In this dense star forest, if you don't have to judge the orientation, it is not easy.

Continue to go forward.

When I left, the blade finally came out of the starry forest.

I looked at the tree in the moonlight, and the blade had long, and finally came out.

However, according to the direction he chose, it is still more than 100 kilometers from the human town, but he is no longer rushing.

Out of this dangerous starry forest, everything can come slowly.

Sitting on the ground, after complementing the water and the food, he still spent some time to restore the soul and physical strength, and then got up and continued.

The next is really flat.

Human, generally not swaying in the starry forest in the night.

With the decrease in vegetation, the soul beast will also decrease.

A few hours, the blade saw the traces of human stepping on the road.

It is not far from human towns from human towns.

Town entrance.

The blade will enter the city after accepting the guards.

If there is no other cases, there is no other case, there is only a relatively late night, and the opening time is very early.

The stable and safe environment, the prosperous business has created this situation.

It is still not deep, and there is still a person on the road.

Man in suit, dressed, brunette woman, hand-handed girlfriends, tickles, buddy, a small couple who killed thousands, a warm family, and walking horses ...

The store in the street, the small stall is busy, and the guest is greeted.

However, these are not the current goals of the knife.

Ignore the poor eyes of passers-by, and the blade is looking for a favorite hotel.

When I was a good published pub, I was walking slightly, and some shackles whit shook it in the bottle furnished.

The blade looked at it and didn't pay attention, and stepped forward.

"Give the wine too ..."

"What is still, run out to drink! Drink you! Go home with me!"

A woman comes with a blame with a distress.

"I, drink!"

"Dead is not changed!"

"You, you, this, stinky mother, put, put me!"

"Go back and teach you!"

The blade looked back at the eyes, the woman pulled the collar of the strong man toward him, and he took a small chicken.


Rose Hotel?

The blade is a bit surprised. Is this a business to do business?

But I want to come and not surprisingly, their service environment is first-class, and there is another hundred dozen branches and what is also normal.

A pair of young couples looking at the blade.

What is a person to do?

That youth looked at the blade and sour, don't look at the breakthrough of this person, but the appearance and temperament of the people are not intertwined.

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