Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 238

That still beautiful girl looked at the blade had two eyes to take a stars.

I will look at my thirteenth boyfriend, I feel that the goods will be thrown at a time.

The blade nodded against these two, and later came to the counter.

"Is there room?"

The staff of the counter is a beautiful young man.

"Some, please see."

He handed a table to the past, and his eyes were secretly looked at the blade.

The blade took over and refers to the 'pure white space' in the only room: "Just this, one day."

"Okay, you will wait."

Paying money, getting the key behind the knife.

Take the decoration and layout of the room, nodding the knife, and the pattern of Soto City.

Even the white bed that even watched it and couldn't help but jump. The big white bed of the sheet is a style.

It seems that this hotel is intention.

But take a bath first.

The water is accompanied by a wonderful song of a knife.

Tick ​​answers the sound.

Are the first chapter to eat?

The knife after shaking, someone jumped on a white bed.

Still the same soft, flexible!

Holding a pillow in bed silently praising the hotel.

However, after a moment, the blade was salted, and the big words spread, and I entered the half-depth sleep.


the next day.

Collect the book, put the blade, and the blade gets up and prepares to return to Shrek.

There are more than half a year, and I don't know if the small three have been died. The other friends have not lazy.

The medicine I want to come to Zhu Qing's hand has been eaten.

By the way, I have forgotten to prepare souvenirs to Rong Rong Miss.

Oops, fortunately, I am afraid that I can't see anything.

I remember to bought a lot of lottery radishes in Radish City, giving the rabbit.

The blade still doesn't like to eat carrots, too light, but stew seems to be good.

Dai Mu, Ma Hongjun, Oscar -

forget it.

Dean Flander, Liu Erlong, Lao Zhao, there is old Li, three gold and masters are good?

His soul is prepared for three cubic specialties, but this gift is a technology, and the horse is not allowed.

The little guy likes the beeworm, and I don't know how many more than that of it is ready.

Ugh! I am bother!

Out of the hotel, the blade is ready to rent a simple and unbelievable horses.

The teacher is still a little embarrassed.

It is also no wonder that his face is still too thin, hehe ~

He is ready to rent a carriage straight through the sky.

Out of this half a year, I have eaten it. I also drink it, I want to get my hand, I will get my hand, and I have taken a good soul ring, and the soul has reached 33.

He, tired, ready to go back to find an old man ...


No, it is ready to go back to Shrak to a few days of peaceful days.

After finding it, the blade found that there was no car to go directly to Tiangou City.

However, this is hard to fall down the blade, and he has a way to find a person who is willing to run this super-distance business.

There was a chat with others, and it seems to be a good choice.

"A World, what is your car?"

"Hey, the frying pan is selling iron, I borrows a lot of money, I will soon I have this kind of trouble. Now I have to pay a lot of money on the side of the child. Now, where to come out now, the home of the mother The sighs sigh, and I will die. "

"Hey, A World, I can't help you this back, I went back from our home tiger hand, she is still giving me her face."

"Liu Ge, you can don't fight for my things and the nephew, or I am really uncomfortable."

"If you come to a big list, it will be fine." Liu Ge sighed.

"Yeah." The man named A World sighed.

It's just that a big list is so easy to turn to them, and it is pulled by big house.

"Hey, hey, the A battle looks at that young man, is he coming to us?" Liu Ge used his arm to the top of the Hanzi.

"Is this uncle to run?"

The blade looked at the man opening that was a war.

"Run! Run! My brother is very familiar with this nearby cities! Where is the little brother going to send goods?" I haven't waited for the A World, this is called Liu Ge, I have been busy.

"The little brother is going to run away?" A battle was cold than Liu Ge.

The blade looks at his eyes, it is an old man.

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