Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 239

"Tianma Huangcheng."

"Tiandu Huangcheng ?!"

The two exclaimed at the same time.

The knife is nodded, laughs: "It is a little, but this will be very rich, I don't know if you pick it up."

After all, he had five gold soul coins in his hands.

"Don't answer, these five gold soul coins are deposits, and there will be five other five after arriving at the destination. There is another way to eat."

"Ten gold soul coins ?!"

This one of the two men first was excited, but he hesitated.

Liu Ge was a few words.

Probably: Such a good condition, what should I do?

Another: But this big one is not necessarily encountered for more than ten years, so much money ...

Another: This situation is already this, saying that you can't give up this opportunity.


The blade did not open them.

From here, it is not easy to determine it.

The last two people were finished, the A World was careful about the blade: "Little brother, what do you want to do to Tiandu?"

The blade smiled and said: "I."

"You?" Two people looked at the blade.

This young man is obviously a soul teacher, looking at the clothes, the appearance is extremely extraordinary, how is it to fall to the carriage of these pulling goods?

Liu Ge is careful: "Why don't the little brothers come with those big caravans? It can be more comfortable than our simple carriage.

You can buy a simple carriage according to your own price. "He is really unfameful.

The blade will put five golden souls on the edge of the car, and then laughed: "I don't have time to accompany them to a station, and I will not drive. If you take this business, you will take this golden soul. Tap, then start. "

"If you don't pick me, go to front."

I heard the badness on the bottom of the blade, I have put it down, not they are easy to believe in people, but this kind of thing is that this kind of truth is so tone.

Liu Ge, grabbed the five golden soul coins of the car into the A World.

Laughing: "Where is the little brother? This business is sent to the door.

"A World, go back to arrange arrangements, don't let people like a little brother for a long time!"

A battle should be sound, and I ran out with Golden Soul.

I looked at the A World with an excitement and a pluggable back. Liu Guofeng sighed in his heart.

If he has two people who have lived over, this big sale should be struggling.

After receiving his eyes, he laughed: "The little brother is motivated, this kid legs are very good, can't spend a few minutes!"

The blade is a head head, watching Liu Brief: "Have you eaten?"

Liu Ge, some confused: "Eating, eating."

The blade nodded: "Didn't eat it? I have a breakfast together."

Looking at a butter paper wrapped in the knife, he naturally knowing that this should be the kind of expected people's soul tunnel.

It's just a face: I didn't say it!

But good incense ...

"Hold it." Seeing that it didn't lead the blade without being urged.

"Oh, thank you for your brother!"

Liu Ge is busy borrowing, and in a heavy one, it is heavy.

Open a look, it is a big fast golden flow oil to seduct barbecue.

Although it is cold, this aroma is still fragrant.


When I came back, I saw that Liu Ge was sitting with the young man in the car.

Before the departure, what stuffed in Liu Ge, Liu Ge said nothing.

Hanzi is a fire: "Liu Ge, you said today, I will give it to me, otherwise this brother will not have to do it!"

The things that Liu Ge pushed back were re-depressed in his hand.

This back Liu Ge did not escape.

A World is satisfied with a smile.

In the carriage driving position, the Han Dynasty waved the whip, heroic said: "Liu Ge, wait for me to come back, please drink!"


I looked at the carriage and gripped two gold soul coins in his hand, and Liu Ge's face couldn't help but smile.

Chapter 11th

The blade sitting in a simple passenger seat is holding a book, and the Han Dynasty is seriously driving.

On the way, the blade was very satisfied with him. The first is that he didn't bother him when he read his book. The other is that this car is very stable, let him think of the first flying train in Douro's continent.

The driving technology of this A battle is a little bit of the old man's knife.

If it is not a road condition is too bad, it is usually stable when sitting on this car is just like sitting flat.

When the blade reads the book, I hate the shake and dizzy.

I saw the sky, the blade opened: "The sky is not early, stop looking for a residence in the next stop."


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