Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 240

They have been for five days.

Also said that this way can almost say that he has run the most comfortable road.

Not other, mainly don't worry about the latency of the goods, of course, this is called the blade, and there is no nostrils like the general soul.

All the way, he understood this package to eat, what does it mean? This brother said that there is not that kind of dry food, all of which are all kinds of food, don't say it, many he has heard it.

Although there is nothing else, neat and comfort is a must.

He feels that this is coming out for life, this is coming out!

Looking at the dusk in front of you, the blade took the book, and the front is the village of the smoke.

Looking at the road is Yang Liuyi, there is some flavor of the old age.

The person who returns home, the bird of the nest.

There are two young people who have a spear in the village.

When I arrived at the entrance of the village, I heard the voice of the adult calling home, and the sound of the birds in the sky was also crisp.

The blade should be parked in front.

There are several old people in chess.

After asked the road, the blade smiled and thanked a few people: "Thank you."

An old man laughed and swayed: "Don't be polite."

Say goodbye to several elderly blame and the A battle came to the guest house in the village.

Night coming.

The blade started a must-have cultivation every day.

But this evening is still unexpected.

A riot in the village came, which was naturally a blade that wakes up in cultivation.


The roaring of the soul beast came from the guest house.

Also accompanied by a crowd.

"There is a soul beast into the village !!"

"You go to the soul of the soul of the soul!"

"The old child returns to the house, can pick up the weapon to pick up the weapon with me!"

"After retreat! After retreat!"

"You stupid goods, the red hand is empty, is it to die!"

"Don't be afraid, just a hundred years of soul beast !!"

The blade out of the room, just met the A World of War.

The A World saw the blade and prepared to go to the riots, and quickly discourage.

When the knife shook his head and smiled and laughed: "Wonderful, the district is a hundred years of soul."

After that, I haven't finished the door, and the lights in the village have been reflected, and some young women and physical and strong women have handhered weapons to the center.

The blade is surprised, this is not awkward, is it too brave?

Note that people who rush to the battlefield are very professional, see this situation should not be the first time.

"Arrow! Don't close it! It is at least for three hundred years of soul age! Drag him, and wait for the soul of the soul!"

At the scene, the blade saw the three circles of the three circles, the command is a man with a horror knife, which looks quite fierce.

"Please let it." The blade patted a man who was filled in front.

The man in the hands of the iron sword, staring at the roaring soul of the center, this shot can be shocked.

Seeing it doesn't move, the blade is lightly opened.

The thick man only felt that a hard to resist will be opened.

This young man looks not strong, but the power committee is amazing, is it a soul teacher?

The blade saw the three bodies that were scattered on the black and white tiger. At a moment he appeared, the tiger's eyes did not leave him.

"Little brother, after retreat! This thousand tigers have a three hundred years of age, not we can hard to resist!"

When the knife was seen, there was a young man in this village, and quickly opened.

The blade is a faint opening: "Don't worry, just a soul of the soul of the soul of the age of three hundred years."


When the Wushu was summoned, the eyes of all people in the field were attracted.

It is really that this young man is not like mortal, this big light is out, the soft white mang will set off the world!

Thousands of tiger sweats, turning around, turning around.

First soul technology - the first sword!

It has become a faded place, and has not been completely broken. The blade will sway a sword to help it end the pain.

Yellow soul ring rises.

The surrounding villagers were scared.

This is too fierce? !

"rest in peace."

The blade looks at the body in the field, turn around.

"Don't bother me."

The sound of the blade allows the knife who is ready to stop the knife, the next consciousness, respectfully, high: "Yes!"

He has participated in the army and boarded the battlefield.

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