Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 241

After the reaction came over, the head was scratched down, and the young and powerful soul division won't be a military person?

"Don't want to disturb the soul of the soul! Treat it here!"

Male and women who are still in the nervous.

When the blade returned to the guest house, he was seeing the Han Dynasty to go back and forth at the door.

When I saw the blade, I came back to him.

"Little brother, are you okay?"

The blade shakes his head: "Nothing, go back to sleep."

I have finished going on the building.

Ama is scratched, this is fine? That is the soul of the three hundred years! Quite horrible existence!

It wouldn't you have a strong soul teacher to process it?

But when he heard the excitement of people who took the weapon, he knew that the head in his opinion, it was difficult to describe the soul, and his owner, his boss.

He is a little messy, will not?


The next morning, there was an old man early, and took a dozen Qingzhuang men and women to block the entrance of the entertainment office.

The blade is a bit annoying, isn't they call them not to bother him?

The old man is the village head, called more than a dozen came to express respect.

When using the blade downstairs, the old man grateful, and then sent a money bag, and many soil specialty.

The old man said that thousand tiger's skin is very worthless, and these specialties are their little heart.

The blade is not passed.

Received, although he didn't care, he thought it would have a good news.

After bid farewell to everyone, the blade and the driver were on the trip.

Just this road car A battle has become a lot of a lot, and the soul teacher is also brought by the blade.

The blade smiled and interrupted: "Still call me a little brother, this soul teacher listened to the other."

Seeing the blade, there is no change, and the Ah is tone, and it has changed back to the name of the little brother, but it is still quite cautious.

The blade is understood, and the fear is the ability of the organism.


"There is always an empty!" The old man led everyone waving in the back.

Chapter 111, Tianou City, my knife came back again!

In the 19 days of the boat, the blade finally returned to Tiandu City.

Looking at the Xiongcheng in front of you, and entering and out of the city.

Even if it is the second time to come to the sky, the Han Dynasty is still like the previous time, and the whole piece of the earth bag will look into the city, see awkward fresh.

The blade feels that the passing pedestrian looks whispered, it should be the problem of the AF A World.

In fact, his painting wind is not very unattling of this.

Command the Poetry A World to drive to the Shrek Academy.

The street here is still very lively.

When he found the portrait of the slag flying, the portrait of the domineering.

"It seems that he still didn't find the opponent who could play a battle."

Wait, wait, wait at the past, you will give him a defeat.

The movement of the Tour is finally here, and this time period belongs to the teaching time, so there is no one in the entrance.

In addition to lying on the lounge chair in the police room, squinting, the hand is ready to be old.

After getting off the five golden soul coins, the blade is tightly holding the Golden Souls: "Be careful when going back."

"Okay, good, thank you Xiaogao care!"

The blade smiled: "Then this end, please."

"Little brother you are good!"

The blade takes the head to the entrance to the school.

I heard the footsteps of my side, I still didn't blink.

"Your kid is back? Can you have a harvest?"

"Thank you, the old, the other is not big, but fortunately, it broke through the thirty level."

I read the old open eyes, and I was a little surprised, and then, kindness, smiled: "It's a good harvest, but I will continue to work hard."

The blade knows that these olders like to wake up young people, smile and say it, and take out a jade box in the backhand, and the hands will be placed next to the old water.

Laughing: "This is a gift for you."

I have a bright eye, laugh, smile: "You are sensible!"

The blade smiled: "I hope you will like it, I will go back to see my friends."

Reading old touches the good jade box smile: "Go! Go!"

Take a knife, I'm looking at the jade box on the hand. It murmured: "This gift looks not light, the old man is somewhat curious, according to this kid's The thing. "

For many years, it is rare to pick up the silk again in my heart.

When he was open, he stunned.

This gift is extraordinary.

The installed is actually .

This is a good thing to make a water.

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