Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 242

This kid has a heart ...

Have your grandfather!

Fair is expected to feed the dog? !

Read the old air knot, this is your gift for you to prepare for me? Also use such a good jade box to multiply?

This kid is a special way to play? !

It seems that this kind of conscience is big and bad, it is better to send it to let them adjust to teach ...

I read the old puzzle, I lost it in my mouth, my eyes were on.

This effect, the best ? !

Then he quickly smashed the jade box, exposed to the air for a second to lose the effect!

His kindly smirked, lying on the lounge chair, whisper: "This child has a heart."

The blade walking on the school is still exploring the malicious, but it has disappeared when it is madness.

It's really unique, inexplicable.

Others are not airs, they should be cultivated, first go to the bright hole.

The trail leading to the bright hole is very secluded.

As soon as in the past.

Cool forest wind.

The shake branches brought a sand.

The soft sun falls through the leaf gap.

The sound of the birds in the past.

The nerve that is always tight is not a little relaxed.

The bright hole is still the bright hole, still the pockets.

very quiet.

Familiarless, there should be, it should be to find food.

Old place, under the big tree, in the shade.

Lounge chairs, books, and water.

The blade is comfortable and comfortable, this is quiet and peaceful, he is not tired.

Beautiful retirement life!

"Choo Choo Choo!"

You're back? !

I have already put down the book, and the blade lying on the eyes of the slightly closed eyes is listening to this sound angle.

This is called full, it seems that this time is good!

The familiar path falls on the armrest of the lounge chair.

"Come back, this time is okay?"

"Choo Choo Choo."

"It's okay, do you miss me?"


"No? Hey! Thanks to me, I still have to prepare a gift, it seems that you haven't worry!"

The knife appeared in someone in his hand, a pack of fried fragrant golden worms, lying on the lounge chair and looked at the little sparrow of the mouth.

" ~"

Then flew up, pounced to the golden in the palm of the blade.

Just at the moment I have to succeed, the beeworm is gone ...

"Hey! It is said that children who will be worried will have sugar to eat."

The small sparring fell in the blade hand felt that he could not be hard.

" ~"

People miss you ~

The blade looked at it with a small head, he was helpless, it was really no skin, no one could say, and didn't know who to learn.

"Okay, I'm don't know you."

The blade will put a gold nemp in the armrest, and the eye is behind.

"It's slow to eat, how much is it here?"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

you are the best!

The blade looked at the wolf to swallow the tags and laughed: "Is there a good cultivation?"

The small sparrow is preparing to suddenly rigid to the movement of a gold nematode.

The blade opened his eyes and looked carefully looked at his little sparrow, while the mouth was slightly evoked.

"You are gone."

"Choo Choo Choo!"


See the blade raise hand, it's all on the golden nematode, the wings are laid, and the small head is pitiful.

The blade is a person who has no feelings, in front of him, selling Meng, Poor, playing, there is no meaning!

A soul fluctuates from the fingers of the blade.

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