Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 258

"If it is not the horrible pain, he is almost all the god herbs that all the soul dreams of!"

Looking at the appearance of Tang Sanzhen blood, the blade thought of some scenes of the big people who did not demonstrate some of the big people who did not target.

"Small three, so good? Do you want you a petal, I am a petray."

The blade looked at Tang San recommended.

Tang Sanfu shook his head refused: "Don't!"

Extremely seriously looking at the blade, serious way: "Blade, don't worry, you will open it first."

"I will seal it with a special refined iron box because it is because of the inflation of the spurt, it will cause huge pain to life!"

The blade smiled nodded: "This is."

Everyone speaks on the iron box.

Tang San face changed: "Everyone will withdraw from fifteen meters away!"

[Small gray comrades asked me a group of readers and rewards, I will talk about it here.

We have no readers, because there are not many readers. If you are going to enter the group, I am afraid that I will feel the loneliness of the three or four people.

I don't have these troubles.

And reward, more questions, other novice authors seem to be rewarded as the courage, I ... Super like small money!

But then this will then say, limit your current codewer, uncle, if you suddenly have a grandfather to reward a tens of thousands of books ... I really don't know where to let the seal!

I have no ability to honor, this uncle dares to come out!

So what is the reward, add more first, at least I will say two thousand words per hour.

At present, in the premise of ensuring two more days, I will be more as much as possible, then I am screaming to reward the ticket, if the reader is happy, ? (????)]

(Solemn statement, this paragraph is never used by water !!!)

(And this paragraph is not in the subscription, you can't say that I am very bad for my little money! "??????????????????????????????????????????????))

The 120th chapter of the bamboo clear, if you don't go out, I will do it!

Looking at the Tang San, the Tang, who is far away, and the blade touched the Pakistan, it seems that the situation is somewhat not.

However, why didn't she get back?

The blade looked back at Zhu Zhu Qing smiled: "Zhu Qing, you went wrong direction."

Zhu Zhu shook his head and firmly looked at him: "Yes, I want to see it closely."

"Zhu Qing, come over!" The sound of rabbits came.

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head.

The blade laughed: "This, look at Tang San Na, this extremely affected breath is not simple, ready!"

"Well!" Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

"Three two one."


The blade opened the institutional lock of Tang San design.

His expression is also a bit of a bit.

He is ready to pay a variety of situations.

A deep breath, the state has been adjusted to the best.

Zhu Zhuqing stood next to him, this movement was naturally noted.

His expression is so serious.

The blade struck Zhu Ziqing: "Come with me."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the blade wind to the iron box, and quickly got.

"It will not be directly impact on the breath of breath."

See Zhu Zhuqing does not explain the blade.


Zhu Zhu clearly nodded, annoyed in his heart, such a simple thing did not have the first time, but also explained, so lost!


The black iron box is opened while the blade is falling!

The invisible fluctuations are spread out, and the first thing to rush is not a blade and Zhu Zhuqing, but standing in the opening of the Tang San and others!

Tang San Eye is fast, pull the master, the little dance will retreat!

It is not yested.

Just the blade and Zhu Zhuqing will be in the back of the box, and it is possible to avoid this.

Only instantly blade understand why Tang San is not willing to open this box.

This is not in the entrance, there is such a sour, it seems to be a good thing!

I don't know if Tang Success has been screaming in the process of caught this in the box.


Zhu Zhuqing's cold face has been slightly twisted with pain, and the forehead is constantly sweating.

How can you be so painful? !

Every skin of the body seems to have a knife!

The blade looked at her to bite his teeth and shook his head: "Zhu Qing, go out."

"I, I, okay." She looked hard.

Why is he ...

Does he are not affected?

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