Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 259

Can't quench!

Looking at her face, the end of the look, the blade no longer persuaded, he knew that she was ready to stand up.

The box is incorporated.

The pain disappeared, and the look on the face of Zhuzhu cleared down.

She gently wiped his forehead and sweaty, and some looked at the blade.

The blade smiled: "Bamboo is clear, do it, or I will take you out."

"When I arrived at my small hand, I accidentally met some places that should not touch, don't blame me!"

Zhu Zhuqing's face is shameless, and it is incredible to look at the blade.

He, what is he talking? !

The blade smiled: "Hey, bamboo clear, if you don't go out, I will do it!"

During the speech, he got a step forward to Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhuzhu Qing's eyes are rare to reveal the colors, and the heart is in the shackles, what he will not say? !

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing and stupid standing, the blade was twice.

"It seems that I have to take it out! Zhu Qing's big beauty."

He is then close to Zhu Zhuqing.

"Flow, rogue!" Zhu Zhuqing rubbed his face to go to the king dance.

Looking at her back and smiled and shook his head, it is a lovely girl.

"Zhu Qing, I am not wrong? The guy is a false, the boys are all!"

"In addition to small three."

The little dance is still red in the face, and the bleeding of the bleeding, the bumbles, and the jumping, Zhuzhu, said the blade of the blade.

The blade heard: Ok, you have a rabbit, and it is clear that I have a clerk of someone, you are dead!

The master and the Tang San face, they heard.

Zhu Zhuqing did not respond to the little dance, and her sight stayed again in the blade behind the box.

If he hug, it is not a matter of ...

The blade can do not take these, he once again opens the box, and the familiar sour is back.

His attention is all in this criminal flower.

Although it is unspeakable, it doesn't heat it, but the blade knows this is a good thing.

It is the best in the six-level spiritual medicine - refining flowers!

What refoldes, improve the quality of the soul, but it is not worth mentioning.

Thanks to Xiaosan Classmates!

He is really a generous good person!

Although there is a great reason because the small three students are afraid of daring to eat, and they don't know much about this seven-level soul refining flowers in the lack of cultivation resources.

Otherwise, the blade believes that this kid will kill it will give it to yourself!

Of course, he is probably not used.

If you have eaten, the small three students should go directly to the light of the Wushu Temple!

"Small three, don't you say that it will suffer in the fifteen meters of the criminal flower? Why is the blade looks nothing?"

The master looked at the blade. If you didn't take the criminal flower, I went to see the face, and I was shocked.

Tang San deep breathing one breath: "This is why I think he can absorb the reason, the knife's will, is not that we can match, Zhu Qing, how do you feel?"

In the face of Tang San, Master, Xiao Dance, Zhu Zhuqing flashed, seriously said: "The instant of the box is open, the body is thousands of knives."

The master and the little dance have a mouth, Zhu Zhuqing's character, they know, and it will not be exaggerated.

The little dance holds the heart of the intestines and is stunned to look at the blade: "Blade this guy ..."

The master's eyes were denied, and I thought that Flem had a few times of discussing the blade with themselves.

How did he come over?

This endurance ability is never naturally reluctant.

But I saw the blade to strive to this.

Tang San knew the eyes of the blade on himself.

Some doubts.

"Tang San, love you, touch! ^ 3 ^"

Looking at the blade, holding a pointed flower for him. He kissed him.

Tang's three mouths, a sharp brother, pay attention to the image!

The master looked at the knife silently cleaves the thousands of thumbs in the heart.

The rabbit is extremely annoyed, she has not thrown a kiss for Tang San!

The blade puts the criminal flower back to the black iron box to reagent, and then incorporates the soul of the soul.

Go to the Tang three, patted his shoulders: "Xiaosan, I don't have white gifts, what is definitely a drop!"

Tang San shakes his head: "Blade, don't do it."

"No! I am also the kind of reach party!" The blade is extremely firm.

"This ..." Tang San saw its, and some hesitated.

The blade is broken: "Don't say anything! This is a gift, you are holding!"

The dozens of box bags left in Tang Sanri Laye.

Tang 3: Is so much? !

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