Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 260

Ok? Good fragrance ...

Looking at Tang San's hard work, the blade is very gratified: "I mean?"

Tang three black face, and later: "Do you don't absorb the blade?"

The blade smiled: "Let's wait, I will give you the wind, wait for you to absorb me again."

Tang three o'clock, and then handed over the master for the alternate options prepared by the big event, and he himself had two drugs in the body, and it does not need to absorb the Xueledia of these Genben.

So he absorbed is to forget to wear the autumn and water, and its purple polar is too long to leap.

See Master, Tang San is looking for a place to absorb the grass, but Zhu Zhuqing still stands with a blade: "Zhu Qing, don't you absorb the grass?"

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated after a moment: "How did you do it?"

The blade is now asked, mysterious: "Want to know?"

Zhu Zhu nodded.

"Really want to know?"

"Well!" Zhu Zhuqing nodded very serious and seriously, and looked at the blade.

The blade is vigilant, looking at the little dance of the ear: "Someone didn't see me whispering with Zhu Qing? Do you not understand?"

Xiao Dance is a mouth: "Hey! I don't really know what you said!"

The snoring, a sorrow, the peers, the heart, the heart, the heart, the heart, the heart, is far away.

The blade is once again vigilant to sweep a circle, and the people of Tang San, Master, and Ning Rong have still absorbed the drug effect before absorbing the medicine.

Low voice ", this can not be heard by others."

Zhu Zhuqing looks forward to tension to the blade, be careful.

Is this the secret that just says to me?

The knife glared at the little dance that secretly touched this side.

Xiao Dance spit out his tongue honestly.

Seeing that this blade is attached to Zhuzhu Qinghe whisper: "I don't tell you, bite me ~"

Zhu Zhuqing's expected heart was smashed, he said strange words.

How can he do this? !

The blade looks at her red face. "I don't want to hit me very angry?"

Zhu Zhuqing's red face, glaring against the blade of her ghost face, Zhang Zhang Xiaowei, and turned to swallow the grass.

"That, bamboo is clear! I will make a joke, you don't want to be true ..."


Zhu Zhuqing looked at him and didn't have to go, and continue to swallow eight vacant.

In fact, she is not so angry, just, how can he tease her this? !

The blade touched the head, what to do, it seems to be annoying.

"Hey, blade, small dance sister tells you that people who have died always live!"

A rabbit will refer to Zhu Zhuqing's red blushing, there is an eight-petal Xianlan, I know that it is definitely the blade, "I don't tell you."

See Zhu Zhuqing has entered the beginning to close the eye to absorb the drug, and the blade is pleased to laugh: "The little dance sister, when you talk more about my good words in front of Zhuqing!"

The little dance is a waist, and the chin is the rise: "This is to see if you don't know what it is."

"Oh! Dead blade, what do you do ?!"

Looking at the rabbit, this is more andd, and the blade has lost his boys.

"Little dance sister, what happened?"

"You are stupid ?! When is the little dance sister?"

Seeing a blade "small dance sister, what situation" expression small dance does not play.

The blade smiled and swayed: "Don't care about these little things, then I want to tell you a big event."

The little dance is extremely disdainful: "Pull, you still have a big matter to tell the little dance sister? Isn't you want to open a small dance sister? Do you think I will be active?"

The little dance is on a blade.

The blade is helpless, it seems that the rabbit is smart!

Then he waved his hand: "This is a matter of right, and even the little dance sister, your life and death!"

[Add more for someone! (¯ ▽ ¯) σ]

Chapter 121, she suddenly became the rabbit of the legs.

See the blade, I have a smile, and the little dance is serious: "What is my life and death?"

The knife is nodded, pointing at the peers of her hands, red road: "Remember, don't let it leave, if you don't have to have already, never eat it. Because ..."

The blade sweeps his eyes and then lowered the channel: "It can cover your body."

The little dance, and then surprised: "Really ?!"

See the blade '' reminder her, the small dance is low: "Really?"

The blade nodded: "Thousands of true, it is saved the effort to send you out."

Xiao Dance is jumping.

Yay! This will not have to leave the stupid Tang three!

Looking at the excitement of this silly rabbit smile.

After calm down, the little dance is grateful to look at the blade: "Blade, thank you!"

"Don't have to thank you, thank you, I have broken into the heart, it is brought back."

The blade shakes his head.

"But thank you, I have the opportunity to eat the little dance sister, please eat the radish!"

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