Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 261

Xiao Dance is straight up with a high-spirited big eyes.

The blade does not help but smile: "Then thank the little dance sister first."

"Don't use the little dance sister!"

Xiao Dance is a small chest.

The blade is a mouth, my idiot, do you think I am you? This uncle is most tired of the soup!

The rabbit is looking for a righteousness to find a corner to appreciate her acacia red.

This flower is good!

Good than radishes!

The blade is helpless, he really doesn't know what the 10,000-year rabbit is experienced, and it is the old rabbit of 100,000 years. It is still so no city.

However, it's not bad.

The premise is not stupid.

His job is very simple, responsible for alert.

Lying on the lounge chair, he is doing this.

"Blade, you seem to be the beautiful grandfather of the school at the school!"

I don't know how long the rabbit's fine voice remembers after the knife.

The knife turned over the top of the page and didn't return. "Ten old? The old man's day is very comfortable."

The rabbit refused to refurbish her, and did not expect to have a deep thing. The tone is full of retired old grandfather's life!

This guy is too much fighting?

I thought I had retired life when I gently gently?

Also have younium blood, youthful blood? !

"Hey! Blade, are you still young? Young people should have young people, young people should have a young person, the young people should have the passion of young people ..."

The blade looked at the rabbit of Tao Tao in front of him.


Looking down to read the book.

Still in the rumor, I am preparing to call the blade with high-spirited fighting spirit to face life, facing the soil dance insurance of the upcoming China's Soul Sacchai.

Feelings, her passionate speech is white. !

"Blade! Have you heard the little dance sister ?!"

The blade smiled: "Some, the little dance sister said very well, but I don't agree."

"You this guy ..." Xiao Dance looked at this smiley teeth.

I really want to use the little box to give him a look!

However, it's hard ...

This is the blade collapsed on the book, and the rabbit who wants him to have no way: "Your little three should be waken."


The little dance looks to the Tang San, who is not far away, and he does have a very light soul overflow.

After spitting the tongue on the blade, she jumped into the Tang San, kneeling down, showing this ordinary admiral face, showing a smirk.


When a small sparrow passed by a bug, he swallowed the poor sepic insects and fell next to the blade.

"Go your busy, remember to practice well." The blade waved to him, and the soul of the soul rolled up the sky.



After the small family turned a few laps, I took some doubts.

It is a good bird!

The blade looked at him and then got up.

Tang San also woke up at this time.

When blinking, the violet in the eyes flow.

When I saw the little dance in front of my eyes, I was trending and trembled, and the pupil contracted, I stayed at once.

rabbit? Little dance? rabbit? Little dance? rabbit? Little dance? ......

Xiao Dance puts his hand in front of him: "Xiaosan, you will not be cultivated to repair your brain?"

a long time.

Tang Han muttered: "Little Dance, you, so cute ..."

Xiao Dance is stunned, and then the face is red, pokes Tang San's head: "I know, but don't say it!"

what! Xiaosi, she praises me!

Looking at one rabbit, a rabbit, blade, and smashing.

Tang San just saw the body of the rabbit?

Is it because he cultivated a certain kind of a bad breakthrough?

However, this kid knew that there was no scared and cried after the truth, and he screamed and made him some disappointment.

It's a borus man.

Looking at Tang San, a stupid expression, said that he didn't look at it.

Continue to lie down, this will not read the book, he is closing to raise the god, waiting for the criminal flower he want to eat, it is not so good.

Time passed, dusk.

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