Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 265

Zhu Ziqing saw a small mouth that has just been slightly opened.

The blade shook his head and smiled: "Small three, you are not practicing!"

"Is it bad?" Tang San did not understand.

"The little dance sister hopes the star, and finally I hope you come back. If I will detain you, the little dance sister is afraid that I will have my little life!"

"Blade! You don't want to say! Who is looking forward to the moon ?!" The rabbit is refined with a sharp corrupt.

"Yes, I use the word to lose."

The blade is in the mouth of the Tang San's shoulders: "Time is early, and there is a good choice to go to the street! What is the dating, she must be happy!"

Tang San is said: "Knife, blade, you don't misunderstand, I am not the relationship you think,"

Due to talking about him sneaked with a small dance.

The blade is not a way: "I know, I know, isn't you want to let the little dance? She likes to go shopping."

"miss you."

"That is not enough." Other people are curious to look at the blade and Tang San Gun.

Finally, the blade was satisfied with the shoulders of Tang San.

Looking at the few people under the body: "The master can't stay, otherwise the two dragons will come to the school."

The master's face is indeed.

"Xiaoyao, Rong Rong can't, they are assist, there is no combat power."

"Mu Bai can't work, can play it, but look at this body, it is afraid."

Looking at the blade and bowing thoughts, muttering selfless, wearing a white forehead blue teaser is extremely unfriendly said: "I am muscle!"


Looking at the blade does not have a look, Dai Mu Bai fist is clarified.

You are waiting, wait for me to get the stupidity of this moment after I get the fourth soul ring!

The blade is a hand, and it is true that the truth is only one! "

"Hongjun and Zhu Qing! Are you willing to stay a night?"

Ma Hongjun heard the breasts, heroic said: "Knife brother, you can rest assured! What is the night? Have me Hua Hongjun, absolutely no problem!"

Zhu Zhu nodded.

Some are so happy, this is a trust.

The knife looks at the two, seriously: "Next, the little couple who came around and brought the things from you."

Ma Hongjun: "..."

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

Everyone: "..."

[To add more men? (????)]

Chapter 124, I can't have it!

Others are finally left under the blade.

The master left the blade.

It means that there is no more slowly, a piece of petals eat, and the force is taken.

"Your guy is dead! Otherwise, the big lady is not peaceful!"

Looking at the villain, I went to myself, I laughed: "Follow my dear, Miss Rong Rong."

"Who, who is yours!" Ning Rong Ronghong, some panic rebuttable, small running.

Dai Mu's eyes were in the blade, Zhu Zhuqing, between the round trip, the face is quite difficult, and when I saw Ma Hongjun, I saw a bit.

Cold away.

"Brother, have you been in the past half a year?" In the small wood, on the trail.

The koon dance is behind his hands and walks with Tang San.

"I have been very good for more than half a year, I have learned a lot of things. You, small dance?"

"It's okay, you can't see you is a little worried."

Tang San is warm.

"Little dance, sorry, I blame I am so sudden that you are worried."

"Small three! Don't say this! Otherwise, the small dance sister is angry!"

The little dance was thrown in front of the Tang three, poked the head of the Tang San's head.

Looking at the little dance in front of you, someone looks at the eyes, so cute ...

"Small, small three, you look at me,"

Seeing the small dance face red, low, Tang San returned to God, and quickly moved the sight: "I, I, I ..."

"That, that, karaoke us go, go date?"

"Ah ?!" The little dance is surprised to look up at Tang San.

"No, no, I said, I said that we will go shopping!" Tang San came to explain.

The dead blade!

Tang San, the explanation of panic, and the little dance is smirk.

"Okay! I like to go shopping!"

Talking about Tang Sansi will continue to go forward.

Tang San looked at the little face of the little dance in the heart of the darkness - I will be very happy to invite the little dance to go shopping. She will be very happy!


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