Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 266

Let Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhu clear, and the blade opened the black iron box again.

The criminal flower is quietly lying.

The most ordinary shape, but its terrible power.

After returning to the trend of the horse, after the trend, watching the horrible box was opened, his neck could not help but shrink.

Zhu Zhuqing relies on the tree, holding the chest, and is full of concern.

Pick up the criminal flower, the blade is serious.

The criminal flower has 13 pieces of bamboo leaf petals, which presents a yellowish color, giving people a sense of life.

According to the past experience, it is extremely capable.

The blade is prepared to divide it in two or three times, not he wants to find it.

Just this soul flower wants to make it best to achieve it, then take it as much as possible.

If it is not the strength of soul, he will swallow the whole plant directly.

Seven leaves were taken down.

The blade legs are sitting, and after a long breathing, seven yellow leaves are depressed into the mouth.

Zhu Zhuqing saw a sharp contracted, and the next consciousness will stop.

But when I first stopped, I stopped and looked at the blade that entered the cultivation state. She recovered the footsteps.

The worries in the eyes are more rich.

"Oh! What to do, what is the knife ?!" Ma Hongjun looked silly.

But at this time, it is not too late.

Can only have an eye.

"Believe with him." Zhu Zhuqing passed the cold voice.

Ma Hongjun is a little irritated to scratch your head, and didn't speak.

There is a smile on the face of the blade, and the distorted Zhu Zhu Qing and Ma Hongjun are shocked.

What kind of pain can make him expose this expression? !

Zhu Zhuqing quickly moved away, can't bear to see, this is painful and blocked.

She is a bit breathed up.

Holding the hand in the chest tightly, the mouth is also tight.

Ma Hongjun did not dare to look.

His little heart is really unable to stand!

"To die! Want to die!"

The moment of the knife is released in the seven-piece criminal flower petals, only feels suddenly hob!

This kind of pain, and standing at all before the criticism!

This kind of painful pain ... is wrong, this is the pain directly on the soul.

The blade knows that there is only one thing you have to do, and the other don't pay attention to anything.

Do not even deliberately absorb the power to release the criminal flower.

What he wants to do is to keep awake in this pain, otherwise, one but awareness in the process of refining ...

Other things!

It hurts! !

This pain is in the body, and the blade is like a jade white and flawless tooth.

The muscles do not consciously tighten.

This kind of thing is really ...


Just keep awake.

However, in this case, it is really second as the year.

The energy spilled in the BRIC, most of the souls that act on the mystery.

A small part acts on the body and soul.

Time passes quietly.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun were not idle.

The sun is disappearing from the sky, and the moon and the stars will occupy the sky.

Soon after the night, they ushered in the first new guest.

The footsteps are here.

Ma Hongjun went with his footsteps, he was prepared to be the first gift, if the soft truth is not taking, then the hard truth is said.

He went, a face of a face of Ning Rongrong.

Zhu Zhuqing was slightly stunned, and then it was.

Ning Rong got a sound: "I will come back and see if the blade is dead."

But when her eyes fall on the blade, her face has changed.

Will this guy really will die? !

Zhu Zhuqing came to her side: "Believe with him, he will not joke with his life."

Ning Rong pointed nodded, but it was a bit embarrassing.

His expression is so painful ...

I don't know if it's too much, I have passed too much, I have passed out.

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