Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 275

If you don't recognize it, you can give the Sleek College when it is a good lonely, and his relationship with the solitary should be quite good.

At that time, I moved out of the solitary boy to the other party, I may have to apologize.

If you don't have, you will be able to kill people in the college, no gift, what is the old man, the old man who is squinting, can you continue to sleep?

If you don't do it, you will ask Tailong to let him talk about love and play the feelings.

In short, the skin who lost a little bit of money is not difficult.

Go, go to the bright hole to cultivate!

The blade is gone, and there is no hesitation.

But Tang San can not be so easy.

How did he want to win ...

Blade: How many dishes? Drink this?

What is the one of the blames that developed, an anti-dead Tang three will participate in the training.

The development of things is something that is out of the blade. In his opinion, there is no extraordinary Tang San, and then it is resolved by the mountains and then depends on the mountain.

But when he perceive the strong soul fluctuation from the other side, he exited the practice.

Things seem to be in the direction of intention.

This soul fluctuates, is a title compassionate than a few levels of the title of several levels!

When is there such a person in the college? !

There is Ning Rong Rong, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, all are there.

There is also a middle-aged man with a white hairdressing, long-term handsome, and generous.

And that strong soul fluctuations come from a certain old man.

Ning Rongrong is looking for something, but it is not found.

"Little dance, the guy of the blade?"

"Hey! The guy who did not have no licking went to the bright hole to cultivate it! Talking about the small three defined, put it, I got it. Is this a human Chinese ?!" The rabbit is extremely annoyed.

"It's really like that guy." Ning Rongrong mouth.

On the side, Ningfeng, who is supported under the scene of Titan's soul, is not from moving the eyes.

Is this what the 'blade the ghost "in Rong Rongkou?

Quite wise and practical judgment and suggestions.

He wanted to see this young man.

However, he did not attract the movement of this, it seems that it is quite good.


After the blade, the mouth was lying, lie down again, closed his eyes.

Let it be natural, he can't manage it.

Besides, there is no killing there.

It should also be a big problem.


The things over there are complicated, complex to completely exceed the imagination of the blade.


Tang San learned his life, Ning Feng, Gu Guzhen guess.

After the sale of Tang San, after the trading of Tang San, Ningfeng has caused the ancient Hao Road: "The ancient uncle, Rong Rong is the girl?"

The ancient bustle is helpless: "The girl said to look at the 'blade of the guy' is still alive, then ran out."

Ningfeng caused a moment, and we also went to see this young man. "

The ancient smiles said: "I also have this idea, I have to look at the 'Nasty Ghost' in Rong Rong '."


Ning Rong looked at the shade, lying on the lounge chair, and the blade of the water is not hit.

Are you so practice? !

The grandfather at the entrance of the college is not too comfortable!

A further, how can the strength of guys may not have to show her arrival.

I still sleep!

Ning Rong Rong snorted, it is, look, look at it, don't get you!

Just as the cunnamed hook mouth, the big shot is close to the blade, when it is only about five meters away from the blade.

The blade is fierce, but he opened his eyes!

at the same time.



The purple soul ring is coming!

The third soul technology - hacking these slag!

Dozens of cold and temperament, go to Ning Rong Rong!

(Tomorrow challenges more !! Let's put down !! For this reason, you will have a mobile phone, the computer is looking for a clean! (¯ (¯ (● ●) ¯))

The 129th chapter Solitary garden and the blade have some bold ideas. (Subscribe!)

Ning Rongrong looked at the blade.

She has been stupid by this loss, and she does not respond.

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