Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 276

In this case, the cold and mutant of death have come to him before!

If you are hit by this cold, don't say that this is a dozens of condensation, that is, one of them can have her life!

But the cold is not falling on her.

It has passed away from him!

Ning Rong Rong looked at the sharp edge of the sword to come to her.

What do he want to do? !

She panicked.

Step by step by step, it is still sharp, like a knife.

"I, I, I just think, I want to open it with you ..."

Ning Rong looked at the blade of the close, and the interpretation of Baba.

"After retreating."

The blade is indifferent when it is interlaced.

However, the sound immediately sounded directly in Ning Rong Rong.

"If the situation is not good, I immediately move out the identity of your seven treasures glazed."

Ning Rongrong has not responded yet.

The blade apologized against the opposite side of the Confucian middle-aged and the old man who spatially emerged in the opposite side:

"The two respected big men, there is no one, but the two sudden appearance is in the next, this has made some extensive behavior."

"I apologize to two to two."

How to do? ! The next consciousness is going to the big man! !

While the surface looks calm, the small melon has turned quickly.

Can this blame him?

Of course!

Who told them to suddenly break the space? !

This can be shocked by him.

It is hard to say that this two people are not hostile, but it is difficult to say this.

However, the atmosphere of the Douro Continent is still peaceful.

I would like to solve peacefully.

Otherwise, it can only run.

It is not easy to grow the soul, try not to burn it.

Ning Rongrong is a big lady of Qibao Luzong, who wants to move out this identity. They will not be difficult for her.

If the situation is not a wonderful, someone who has no burden is no burden.

However, isn't his one of his knife to overmate end? !

Blade: , this baby is bitter!

"Nothing, the little brothers are also unhappy."

The Confucian middle-aged man is soft and gentle, and his voice is very comfortable.

The blade did not believe him, this smile, the guy is generally full of stomach.

"Are you a blade? It is an accident." The old man revealed the kind smile, after the hand, the old fairy model of a fairy style bone.

The blade is lightweight, they know him?

Then it's not unintentional ...

In fact, the two were also shocked, and the space of the space was opened. The moment had inexplicable attack flying in!

And the attack is rapid.

If it is not an ancient reaction, it is not afraid that there is no anti-preparation.

Ning Rong Rong can go back to inherit the family ...

"Dad? Ancient grandfather? How come you?" Ning Rongrong looked at two people from the space channel.

"Rong Rong, is this the classmate you said to the blade? It is really a table talent, the strength is extraordinary."

Ningfeng looked looked at Ning Rongrong.

"Is Rong Rong Xiaobao not want to see the grandfather?" The ancient fish laughed.

Blade: A family? This is good.

The heart is relieved.

Ning Rong Rong ran and came to the ancient yang, a souther, "God, how would Rong Rong wanted to see you? You have a rider."

I nodded and greeted my head: "I am still honoring."

"Dad, my grandfather, I will introduce you, he is my classmate blade, now 37th."

Ning Rongrong is quite uncomfortable to introduce the blade.

"The uncle has this predecessor!" The blade took the edge of the two.

I have long heard that the Qibao glazman is large, and I didn't expect people who could open the space channel.

Ningfeng's face with a gentle smile: "Don't have to be more ceremonies, just think that the little brother has such strength, just now, the trick is really shocked."

The ancient heaven is a blade, this look is worthy of his own hoe, and talent, strength ... is more extraordinary.

"I also hope that the uncle is forgiveness, it is not interested."

"Wonderful, nothing." Ningfeng did not care about the hand.

"It's a hero who has a young man, I can't think of the little brother, so I have such strength, please take care of the little girl at the college."

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