Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 277

"Who wants this guy!" Ning Rongrong is quite dissatisfied with his father's statement.

"Rong Rong can't make trouble." Ning Feng smashed.

Ning Rongrong wronned his hand: "Grandfather, Dad, he actually said honor."

"Rong Rong, go back to the ancient grandfather to teach you to teach him." Gu Yicheng was a head of King Rong Rong.

Ning Feng caused his head, this gimmick is so peer.

"The blade brother, the martial arts, the martial arts, but Ning is not heard of the family inheriting such a martial arts, I don't know why Xiao Brothers is the family forces."

The blade smiled and shook his head: "It's not a family forces, it is a martial art."

"Oh?" Ningfeng is a little surprised, but it will be, this situation is also a lot.

The little thing called Ma Hongjun, and the young man named Oscar isn't it?

"Since there is no family, the little brother is willing to join us Qibao glazons?"

Ningfeng sent an invitation to the blade.

The blade shakes his head: "This is also asked for forgiveness. I am not allowed to be constrained."

Ningfeng smiled slightly: "Nothing, this is really too urgent, you can slowly think about it, the Qi Bao Zongzong's door is ready to open."

The blade feels that this sentence is a little familiar, and it seems that it is similar to the East, and it is similar to the east.

"Xie Boye is in justusing, if I really want to find a mountain, I will somewhat proficiency, but I don't think much.

"We are welcome to come in the arrival. Ningmou has some urgent affairs to deal with it, this will leave."

"Buffet is going all the way!" The blade arched his hand to Xin Xinfeng.

Ningfeng is like this, but it is slight smile.

This young man is now calm, and it is not like a tension.

"The ancient uncle, let's go back." Ningfeng caused a favor of Ning Rong Rong.

"Rong Rong, take advantage of people with people, don't bully people." Gu Yi nodded from Ningfeng, meaning deep and long, and laughed with Ning Rong.

"Grandfather, how to bully him, Rong Rong is the most sensible." Ning Rongrong is extremely dissatisfied with the words of the ancient bun. "

"Yes, yes, our Qi Bao Levan's little witch is most sensible, never bullying others ~" Gu Ya haha ​​laughed and ridiculous.

"Do you not believe in honor?"

"I believe it, but the grandfather has something to do with your father, just go back, Rong Rong wants to get along with classmates."

"I know, my grandfather is true."

Ning Rongrong mouth, said that it is not to be relieved to her, else to three?

The ancient blinds smiled: "But if there is anyone who bullies our family, I remember telling the ancient grandfather, the ancient grandfather came to pick him." He looked at a blade.

The knife is realized in this eye, the meaning of the eyes: Xiaozi, the old man is what you! how?

"The grandfather is best!" Ning Rongrong hugged the ancient bark, but the small eyes did not have a man who just received a warning.

The meaning of the face is laughing.

Its meaning in his eyes also realized: I am afraid!

The blade is somewhat helpless, but as a soul of the soul, what can he do?

"Let's go first, Rong Rong, you have to get along with the blade."

"Know, Dad." Ning Rongrong.

Ancient Shu. "

The ancient nodes nodded, and he opened a dark line in the void. The hands were all dial on both sides, and the line immediately expanded into a dark hole.

"Blade small brothers, Qi Bao Zongzong's door is open to you." In front of Ningfeng, I went to the blade, I said an invitation.

The blade feels that this scene is familiar, and some people have left such a background to give him ready to leave, but they are interrupted.

"The uncle and the ancient elders are going well!"


After the space channel is closed, Ningfeng's eyes are seriously a bit: "Uncle, what do you think this is a young man called a blade?"

There was a smile on the ancient face, he reached out and his hand left behind: "Wind, you see."

Ningfeng responded to the voice, but he just saw his pupil in his hand.

"The ancient uncle, you hurt?" Ningfeng killed the incredible way to the wound in the ancient horses.

nodded: "Although there is the child's attack is too sudden, I am going to respond, but the sword ..."

"Nor isn't it, that is not a sword, but a tens of swords of overlapping. It is really amazing, if it is not used to use space and soul, my hand is afraid that it will be directly cut."

The face of the emperor's face has a bit embarrassing.

Tang Zang's 95-level title Douro actually rushed to cut half palm by a thirty-seven-level soul, saying that it is afraid that it is not a letter!


The ancient bark is in a moment.

"The child can only discover our arrival in the moment of I open the space channel, and I will have such a powerful attack ..."

"His sense of perception is unimaginable, and this conscious shot ..."

"This child is never simple."

Ningfeng slowly nodded and paused a moment later: "Ancient Uncle, Rong Rong and its marriage, how do you see?"

The ancient sways shook their heads: "Don't!"

Ningfeng caused: "Why?"

"Wind, you didn't hear Rong Rong's title to the child's name, is the 'blade, the ghost'"

"This shows that Rong Rong is very don't like that boy. Even if he is long than you are young, strength is unfair, and speak well."

Ningfeng caused a gentle and smile that thousands of years.

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