Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 294

The blade is not very concerned, and there is no warning, then these more than three thousand pink women are not threatened.

Dai Mu white face is dignified: "Everyone is ready to fight!"

Frante said before, I didn't take the emergency, they won't shoot, so at this time I have to rely on them.

The blade called the blade, and the eye-catching white light was cast.

The blade laughed: "Overwheld? So much better deal with it. The quantity of this seems to be a lot." He took the sword to finish.

The master shook his head: "Don't have to, the pink girl is a group of residential souls, and they have the only leader, as long as they kill their leaders, these pink women will naturally disappear."

"And the pink girl is very suitable as the fourth soul ring of Oscar, seeing the number of this pink girl, and their leaders should be between 4,000 to five thousand years, the soul age is also suitable."

Oscar listened to the flow of water: "A few brothers, my happiness is leaned by you!"

Dai Mu Bai and Ma Hongjun took a shot of his shoulders: "Rest assured!"

"They came over." Zhuzhu Qing cold voice came.

Tang San is busy: "Everyone is careful!"

Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mu, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Dance and Tang San have opened the pink girl who rushed out of pink fog.


Phoenix fire line!

White Tiger Beach!


Nether Temple!

Since these pink girls rushing are all soul beasts of hundreds of years of soul age, it is not difficult to solve it.

Ning Rongrong poked the guy who stood behind the big light bulb.

"Hey, what are you doing? Is it lazy?"

The surroundings are in full swing.

Ma Hongjun was sitting on a pink girl, and Dai Mu Boxing flew a hundred-year-old-level pink girl who jumped over, Tang San looked at the purple pole to find the pink girl's leader.

Xiao Dance uses a waist to take a pink girl out, Zhu Ziqing a tip kills four pink girls ...

Frand, Liu Erlong, Zhao Wuyi and others watch the play.

Master, he ... is protected.

The blade smiled and said: "You can see it clearly here, I have no one to block, I have to go out, if there is a pink girl breaking the defense line, who protects you? They will not shoot it easily."

Ning Rongrong face slightly, she seems to have asked a question of IQ.

Liu Erlong smiled: "The knife, your child is careful."

Flander Zhao helmy nodded, it is true.

This is a melee, the enemy is numerous, and it is very dangerous to help the fish that have some leakage nets. If there is no strong combat ability, if unmanned defenders are very dangerous.

Ning Rongrong suddenly remembered what: "Who said that I have no self-insurance ability and Oscar?"

During the speech, he took out Zhuge god from the soul tunity, but also pulled up the sleeve and showed the plunger.

It's proud to look at the blade

Look, who said that I have no self-insurance?

Liu Erlong smiled and was ready to open, but he saw the blade smiled and shook her head.

The blade smiled and said to Ningrong: "Yes, yes, I can't do it wrong?"

Ning Rong was very satisfied.

Seeing that he will sigh in sighs, some obstacles look at the masters around you.

When can you be like a blade this child?

After about a moment, the blade was finally ushered in the first pink girl who broke through the defense.

Yellow soul ring rises.

First soul technology - the first sword!

Sword start.

Bai Mang flew out.

The pink girl who danced to this is directly smashed into two halves.

Zhuge gods in the blade of Ning Rong Rong, laughed: "I will not use it for the time being, if I."

Ning Rong nodded, she is not a stupid, after she is spent with the blade, she reacted.

Zhuge gods need time, can't come, this is a fatal defect.

Cut, finally, I have to rely on this guy, and I really don't even look at the blade's back. She has a mouth.

Liu Dilong smiled, it is a lovely girl.

First sword!

First sword!

First sword!

The three white mangry washed into the purple fog, and when he sneaked his horse Hongjun's pink girl, it immediately broke it.

Ma Hongjun solved his eyes to look back at the few pink women in front of him. This cutting force ...

"Thank you knife brother aid!"

The blade smiled, and then sword, pounce from the tree to Zhu Ziqing, a pink girl, one minute.

She knows him.

Continue to fight, the body here is most, the wound is also the most.

"Fat, you come with me, I found the position of the pink girl!"

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