Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 295

"Others stick to it!"

?(????)Hey Hey

Chapter 136 killing

With the Tang San and Ma Hongjun, the defense line suddenly sailed a large piece.

The group of pink girls drive straight into the center of the position!

Others are too dispersed, and the number of pink girls has more and more, and they are not born with this.

Looking at dozens of pink girls, Zhao Wu is already ready to shoot.

"Teacher Zhao, you look at Rong Rong, Oscar, and the vast field is too small, it is difficult to help other people fight."

Zhao Wuji saw the sword to hold the gap, and he took the footsteps just took back and laughed: "Your kid is relieved!"

"Then I will go."

The blade is not looking back, starting to make a force at the foot, shake his head and smile: "I hate the fight to kill."

There is a common sword in the right hand, which is the black iron made by him.

Soul of the sword.

One day!

Second day!

Three-day soul!

At the moment, the top of the knife is ready to launch offensive, the three colors of Ning Rong Rong shot the Jiubao glass tower in the hand, falling on the blade.

The blade only felt that the body was inexplicably made of three inexplicable power.

He still doesn't understand it away.

But now it is not thinking about these.



Its whole person rushes to rush to the pink girl with less than ten meters.

The first election of the group, causing the greatest harm with the least power!

So, the blade chooses, close!

Soul power into the blade and black iron!

A confrontation, the double sword will flutter the six-headed pink girl Qi Qi!

The purple fog is filled with Zhongning Rongrong and Oscar can't see what happened. I only heard all kinds of tools, the heavy object landed, low screaming ...

But Fland, Zhao Wuji, Liu Dilong's attention has attracted the past.

There, it is a killing!

No soul skills, there is no big way to open the biggest fluctuations, there is no flowers, the soul is a hint of overflow!

The two sorts sword waved in the blade.

A pink blood splashes, the body is flying.

The blade kicks the front of the front, and the three pink girls rushed from the tree were hit by the bodies flying.


Since the rear, it is estimated that the pink girl with more than seven hundred years is sprayed.

Soul's self-blade swords with vibration waves, and the blade is stabbed into the big mouth of this pink girl.


A pink girl from the side is divided into two halves under the sword of black iron.

The internal organs, blood flew out ...

Time gradually.

Zhuzhu Qing and others feel that the pressure is suddenly reduced, but I don't understand what is the reason for a time.

But always is a good thing.

"Dean, what happened?" Ning Rongrong is a three-person who worried about the opposite side of the face.

Flend hooks: "No things, don't worry."

Zhao's helpless face is dignified: "This kid is not awkward, is it too horrible?"

Liu Dilong looked at the mouth and looked at it. "How can this child ..."

Master: "What happened?"

Flanders smiled and swayed: "When you are on the end, you naturally know."

Ning Rongrong, Oscar looked at the blade, there were some worries, and the footsteps came too messy, but there was no big movement.

Give people a sense of strangeness.

The body near the blade has already become a mountain.

Surrounded by hundreds of pink girls who have been cultivated by hundreds of times.

The blade slammed the double sword, the pink blood faded, a black white in hand.

He looked at the surrounding layer of the flour back.

The hundreds of pink girls who gathered came back, and they were afraid to be prepared to fight, so the clothes may be broken.

This is made up of the silkworm ice silk, worth a few hundred gold soul coins!

Forget it, take some soul.

A moment after thinking, the blade decides the extravagant point.

He wants to enlarge!

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