Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 296

Since his soul consumption has been maintained in the lowest consumption, the soul is still very full.

Zhao Wuyu whispered Flander Road that has been attached to the martial art: "Do you want to shoot?"

Flend stared at the quietness of the quiet, shook his head after a moment: "Take a look."

Liu Dilong looked at the mouth and looked at the side of the blade.

Ning Rongrong and the master have some worries, and the direction of the blade suddenly quiet.

"Fran, the blade really is really no problem?" Master Flece Road, which has fluctuated with soul, fluctuated.

"There is no problem in temporarily." Fland pushed the touch of the four eyes.

The eyes have never left the battlefield for the blade.

On the other hand, Tang San and Ma Hongjun have been working with the pink girl ...

It is very moving and very moving.

Zhao's helpless will move some attention to it. There is Flend, there will be no problem.

Ning Rong looked at the feet over the side of the blade, but there was no way.

Qi Qi screams from the pink girl mouth surrounded by the blade.

Messy footsteps sound.

Flander is ready to shoot.

"Dragon teacher, what happened there?" Ning Rongrong pulled Liu Dilong's hand.

Liu Dilong did not pay attention to her, and his eyes were in the blade.

The battlefield, the millennium pink girl with the thousand years!

The nearly 100 years of soul beasts!

At first, it is the sixty-level strong attack, the soul of the soul is not necessarily possible!

Blade this child ...

She is also ready to shoot.

The blade looked at Qi Qi's pink girl, black iron was collected.

He bent over, blade I am in hand, sags!

Nearly close, intensive ...

Just when Frald and Liu Dilong are ready to save people.

Deep purple soul rings rise from the blade!

The third soul technology - hacking these slag! !

Turn your body!

The sword is turned!

A circle of cold is spread to all directions in the center of the knife ...

Break! ! !

The pink girl running to the blade is flexible, regardless of the repair, all of which are two seats!

Flend and Liu Dilong stopped.

Is this his third soul skill? !

Although the master is very strong, it is better to see the whole piece of the millennium, and the two are not a matter of the impact of the soul!

"This soul is simply born for killing ..." Fland looked at the blade stop and muttered to the fish of several leak nets.

"Or every skill in this child is to kill." Zhao said helpless.

"This child, before it is ... how have it passed?" Liu Erlong's eyes were shocked and sad.

This extreme killing skill is not a talent that can be explained.

Surrounded by one empty, the blade will give up and look at this full of sticky pink blood.

Another battlefield, the pink girl felt what it was, after a long scream, turned to escape.

Zhao Wuji stared over there, and he rely on Tang San. Ma Hongjun, I really didn't always stay in the past five thousand years of soul.

Wushu attached to the body!

He rushed into the fog and went to the direction of the pink girl.

Everyone who is still arbitrarily discovers that the surrounding pink girl suddenly retreats, can't touch the mind, but all returned to Flandy and others.

When Zhao's unpredictable, the huge pink girl is coming back, people are all.

Only the blade is only.

Ning Rong is anxious: "How did the guy that the blade still comes back?"

Liu Dilong took the shot of her shoulder: "Don't worry, he went to take a shower."

Just, the blade refers to the things that he refers to his body, it will go further of the place.

"This guy is the most beautiful." Ning Rong looked his mouth and muttered.

However, the concerns of their eyes are dissipated, and Zhu Zhuqing is also.

"Oscar, give it a hurt." Zhao helmy is a dagger of the Cold Ling, who can't hold his own Oscar.

Oscar took a small pink girl who walked to the heart of Zhao's unprotive, Oscar.

In accordance with the position of Zhao Wuyi, a knife is pierced, and its life is knotted.

The little dance moved his eyes, and looked at them was killed, the soul ring was absorbed, and it always had a sense of fox.

The Oscar disc is sitting and starting the absorption of his fourth soul ring.

In the absence of purple mist, the other.

The knife has been cleaned the blood.

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