Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 302

After Zhu Zhuqing, the blade lie on the ground and looked at the stars.

He does not rely on the eyes.

His perception is much more than the eyes.

This time period is that nightmare animals have returned to the nest, and they don't even have a roaring in the distance.

Very quiet, very peaceful, taking thin breathing in the ear ...

It's just such a day, how long can you?

He smiled, why bother to think too much, can be a day after a day, what is it easy to find?


When I was slightly lit, Zhu Zhu woke up.

I am unexpected today, but it is a rare fragrance.


When the blade is still lying on the ground, see Zhu Zhuqing gets up.

Zhu Zhuqing folded a good blanket and returned to the blade, whispered: "Thank you."

The blade took over, smiled: "The little thing is, wash it, the new day will start again."

Zhu Zhu nodded.

Tianming, everyone has gone.

The respective simple washing After eating some dry food breakfast came to the center of the setting sun.

Before the departure, everyone had eaten a sighter.

The blade is expected, because he is preparing to visit the pharmacy of the solo.

Chapter 140 arrested Zhu Zhuqing's fourth soul ring!


Everyone is surrounded by the fragrance.

"Don't leave the scope of the fragrance of the fragrance."

Looking at the ink green toxic gas that is blocked, everyone nodded.

Then, Tang San also gave all two detoxification pills, which was to prevent the next door from being prepared in that.

I want to know that the green hangar in the outside can be a thousand years of soul beasts.

"This extent of poisoning, if it is used to use the soul and spiritual body, it should be quickly rushed."

The blade mouth is slightly evoke.

"What are you laughing?" Ning Rong said poked his waist, curious.

The eyes of the Tang San and others have come to the Tang San and others. "I am happy to have a small and reliable little partner for small three."

Tang San is embarrassed to touch his head, and it is embarrassed by such praise.

"The blade you have a prize."

Then he went to Flandy and others to distribute flying gods.

When everyone moved their eyes, Ning Rong Rong was attached to the blade: "You are lie."

The blade turns the head and its opposition.

Ning Rong Rong: What should he do? !

So close, his breath, the fragrance on your body can feel.

He won't be to kiss me? !

So many people are there, how can he do this!

Looking at the face of the face of the red roller, the blade ruthlessly poked her little and smooth, whispered, whispered, whispered: "It is turned to be worn, it seems smart."

Ning Rong Rong Hawang came out from the cranky - this guy actually admitted? !

He actually had a finger poke her face.

Ning Rong Rong called his hand: "I have been very smart."

"Yes, I am wrong." The blade nodded and nodded.

Sour, horses, red, Oscar, etc.

Zhu Zhu cleared his eyes, and he was very uncomfortable.

Liu Dilong hurts a little bit of the master's hand.

Tang San took a fragrant grass to the sides of the fragrance, and took out a jade bottle, and opened the smell of smell.

Tang San smiled and explained the displaced people, and then dripping a drop in the grass, and the flowers were quickly spread.

He is facing Flanders: "The soul beast will come over, and you will pull them in the dean."

The Flander took the flying gazing claw, pushed the push to nod.

Zhao Wuyi grinned: "You are rest assured, if this little thing is indispensable, we should go back to farm!"


"I am going! So fast ?!" Ma Hongjun hid behind Tang San, and the small dance of the small dance was taken to shoot him.

Haven't seen such a fat man!

But this can't be blameful, because these at least four five thousand years of soul age, thousands of years are never a few!

The continuous roaring sound is followed.

The people in the poisonous array are really scared, not only for this kind of medicine, but also so many strong souls that quickly come. It didn't make this surrounded by so many souls. Beast? !

Blade: Do you think that the soul beast is the king of the earth? (¯ (●●) ¯)

Roaring for a long time, the first footsteps finally passed the ear of everyone.

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