Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 303

This interval has planned some plans that cannot be said to everyone.

In the poisonous array, there is a heart thinking that these things are only a blade, and the rest of the people are covered.

A huge figure, in the abuse bushes, and the backstook.

There is still a few months when the vicious fog is still there.

For the Tang three, blade, etc. in the poisonous fog, is a horrible roaring that opens the blood dish.


Its body is three meters, a little higher than five meters, and the soul should be outside four hundred and forty.

The hair of the body is white, and there is a black hair in the forehead that makes a domineering '10,000.

This is the soul beast - white tiger!

The master was screened against Flandy Zhao's helpless, said: "This white tiger is very suitable for Zhu Zhuqing in the soul, species, find a chance to drag him in."

Zhao said that he went to try it early, and looked at the white tiger who made a roaring to himself and waited for himself: "Kitty, encounter me Zhao Wuyi, you have to be big!"

Zhu Zhuqing felt weird.

The blade is a smile: Lao Zhao is the true feelings, and he likes to abuse.

Flend took the shot of Zhao Wuji's shoulder: "Let's come, this is the first time to use the flying gods, cautious."

Zhao helmy nodded, he is not stupid, this matter is about the future of the students and the college, it should be cautious.

Zhu Zhuqing is a little nervous, this is her fourth soul skill!

I feel that she also feels that this soul should be very suitable for you.

The blade came to him to laugh: "Don't worry, the district is about four thousand hundred years, the soul of the district, if Flanders and Zhao Wuyu Vice President two soul Shenglian, this little thing is indentyl, I really have far-pending. "

Frand and Zhao's unpredictable mouth of the flying glasses have been picked up, although it is very reasonable, but listening is wrong.

Zhu Zhu clearly smiled.

"Blade your boy is waiting, let me teach you to teach you" "Zhao said with a smile of the blade and exposed the smile of 'Friendly'.

Blade innocent boystead.

"Prepare." Frandery.

Zhao Wu has also collected a smile. After all, I have never used this job. He is really no bottom.

"Three, two, one. Hand!"



The sound of the two sounds sounded.

"Hey !!"


"Receive!" Flandy low drunk.

Zhao has no volatility, carefully creates a refined iron wire to shrink rapidly.

White Tiger is struggling, roaring.

Zhao did not dare to make great effort in his hand, he was afraid to break the wire.

He is waiting with Flanders.

What are you waiting for?

Wait it being weakened by the poison on the hook.

This is the suggestion of the blade, using the poisonous fog that is dissolved in the water!

This effect is very fast, and after a small party, Zhao has felt quickly from the flying gods.

Zhao Wuyi is in the heart, the blade is whisper, and the kid of Tang San did not respond.

However, I like it!

He low-channel: "The people behind!"

Putting with Flande, nodded.

Strength increase!

The white tiger that is still supporting is also awkward, and the heavy fell is on the ground.

He just stepped up to everyone, but he fell again in the sky, and the shot of the pressure did not.

It is Zhao's unpolated gravity extrusion.

Zhao Wuji went to Zhu Zhu, and he handled him before the birth of a lot of chapters: "Immediately set it, it can't hold it under the corrosion of poison."

Zhu Zhu took a nodded after picking up.

She is not a cumbersome person.

With her close to the white tiger, Zhao helilted also contracted gravity squeezing range.

Her technique is simply desirable, very human.

After entering the state of the absorption of the soul ring, the soul of the second link rushed out!

Chapter 141 This is clearly a variety of varieties! !

The surrounding soul beast is more, and the rooms choose to have a bigger.

After some discussion, everyone decided to arrest a four thousand years of soul age of four thousand years.

The absorption effect of the seven treasure glazed tower is obvious. No matter what kind of soul absorbs, it will get the most prominent ability of the soul beast, and it is a specialized increase.

After making a decision, Flend and Zhao Wu-repeated light car were arrested.

After the Rong Rong Rong Shakes, she started to absorb the soul ring after she started to absorb the soul ring.

Tang San refused the masters according to the situation of he had a soul bone, and the people of the six thousand years of the soul of the soul.

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