Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 305


Three fine iron wires are accompanied by a metal fault to crack!

Fland immediately took the start of the flying gods to the side, and after the entrance of the medicine, the martial arts attached to the other!

And the icebirds have resumed reason under the pain, and the ice piercing of a few feathers and the ice shot.

In order to prevent the appearance of this situation, the early preparative blade has launched an attack.

The third soul technology - hacking these slag!

Three cold and hummous fog went to the cold bird behind the people,

In poisol, Fland feels that there is a terrible thing that is rapidly close, but it is not against him.

Han Mang brushed from his side.

in! !

The three cold men have dropped in the back of the cold ice.

However, such a terrible attack is just a cold breaking of it on the wings!

But it also left three scars on its wings, which made it risky, but its vitality is extremely tenacious, struggling to fly again, and continue to escape.

Unfortunately, Fland has come.

It turns back, a very cold atmospheric spray is just a short!

Flanders rushed to the soul ring, the double wings were drastically incited, and the powerful airflow blows extremely cold.

The surrounding temperature is declining, you can know that this extreme cold breath is not simple.

Frand hid a few attacked attacks to it, the soul is bored on the feet ...

At the same time, the heart is dark: this is the feeling of this child, this is the cold bird of ordinary six thousand years? This is clearly a variety! ! More than the usual, the soul beast is powerful!


The icebirds were pulled into the poisonous array of poison array.

I don't wait for it, and Zhao has a gravity to squeeze the motion of it.

If you ask why he is so skilled.

No him - only hand ripe!

[Requirements for the majority of book friends, book friends 862427421 has been established, welcome to the coming "σ]

Chapter 142, hypocrisy

Frante came back to the knife: "Your intuition is very accurate."

The blade laughed: "You have known yen, isn't you cultivated by the delegation?"

Fland shook his head and smiled: "This is also."

Zhao has no extremely disdainful mouth, don't face, obviously, I am helpless!

But this time is not a tube.

"Blade, your boy is fast, it is strong, this poisonous fog can't live too long."

I nodded to the cold and staring at the cold bird.



With this gently, the person in the blade is a thorn, and it will end its life.

It is rising from the soul ring, and the blade stroked its eyes.

"rest in peace."

The little dance is middle: this guy seems to be as fiercely imagined.

Dai Mu's disdainful heart: hypocritical disgusting.

The blade doesn't matter how others look, life is always a little sad in hand.

For Fland, Zhao Wuji, Liu Erlong, Master sincerely, he went to the center to absorb the soul ring.

If he makes him alone, it is afraid that it is necessary to have a great effort.

Zhao was shake his head.

Liu Dilong hugs with the master's hand: "While the child is killing, but the heart is very soft."

The master is rare, there is no thought of acidic acid.

Some things, it is true, it can be seen.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar face each other, very unreal, after all, did not see him in the eyes when he killed.

The outer layer of the blade of the soul.

It has been hugely covered with ice-covered ice soul, and I have seen the blade in an instant.

Its grievances stared at the blade, and the long-awaited breath, the cold breath, the blade of the antity.

The blade is calm, and the extremely cold breath - spread!

In void, countless swords have emerged.


In the sky, huge cold birds disappear.

What is the use of the district of district? Scare people.

The blade shakes his head, and consciously quits, retrans back to the control of the body to transform the soul ring.

But in the light of the lightening soul that he copened here, it is too easy to be so easy in Tang San ...

Ning Rongrong first ended the absorption of the fourth soul ring, Zhu Zhuqing is the second.

Tang San is still struggling when the blade returns out.

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