Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Changes, Chapter 306

"Blade, what is your fourth soul skill?" Flend took the blade with his sharp eyes.

The blade smiled and said: "I will sell a Cat."

His eyes are on Tang San.

Frald nodded.

The situation of Tang San is not optimistic. If you don't say that the soul of the soul ring is a few bodies of his body, it is a hunting of the district soul.

To say that the most worry is tantamount to the master, the little dance.

Can I still feel that he can't die, strange.

Tang San's mental strength is good in the blade, but he is too low for mental strength, the application level is too low, otherwise, why not be defeated in his own soul space.

However, it is no wonder that he has not received professional training and developing.

The little dance has been crying, and everyone is in an urgent time.

Blade thinking: If it is true to the limit, it is still saved.

This is suffering, and the opportunity to peek the soul level!

I don't know if Tang San can't grasp.

The blade has some expectations.

Ning Rong looked at the knife and interested, the chin, the Tang three could not help but, this guy who didn't have a heart!

Quiet wait.

When I saw Tang San's skin, Tang was controlled.

A huge rogue magic pig is approaching him from the wire, and his face is smiling.

The knife is faint in the heart: Is this the limit?

Emotional spiritual strength ...

"Brother !!" The rabbit is finely awkward and screaming with the body of Tang San.

Ok? reverse?

The blade will be retracted.

"Little dance, I, okay."

Looking at the two people who have been together ... one person and a rabbit, the blade feels a bit unfortunately, he will finally peek the power of the soul level.

After Tang San, the little dance is laughing and laughing at the masters, and the blade smiles: "Congratulations, Xiaosan, you have returned a little life at the edge of death."

Tang three smiled and did.

"This can't die, it is really envious!" The blade forty-five degree looks at the green poisonous fog in the ink.

Ning Rong has knocked on his head without goodness: "Is this guy still looking forward to the failure of the three brothers? Well?"

The blade ignores her, came to the Tang San, and the little dance in the arpohere of Tang San: "Little Dance Sisters, you will wait for it, now let me help the small three regulation. "

Xiao Dance This is aware that the posture of his two is really unpleasant, and it is busy jump, his tears are not dried, the red cloud is spread, and the fluster is covered with a small face to Ningrong.

"Blade, this I ourselves ..." Tang San is a bit difficult to look at the blade.

The blade put his hand: "Ok, line, do you think I want to touch you? Look at your dirty hand?"

He grabbed the Tang San 's own way.

"Then you still ..."

"Remember that you can help me with your palm in the Rose Hotel? I hate I owe others, understand?" The blade poked the face of Tang San.

Tang San feels so shameful, just have to nod.

The blade is satisfied with some point: "The other hand gives me."

After grabbing the hands of the Tang San, the soul of the soul is from the palm of the hand to the Media to adjust his muscle texture, visceral position, damaged blood vessels.

This small area is subtle, and the precision manipulation makes Tang San deeply surprised.

Looking at the two stinky men in the field, Ning Rongrong whispered in the loving ear: "The little dance, what happened to the rose wine?"

She certainly knows where the Rose isas are, after all, this is a very famous couple in the Tiangou Empire.

How can he go this place?

The most important thing is - Who is he going? !

The little dance said that he had passed at the ear.

When I learned that the blade was a person who gorgeously disdainful face: "A person went to the hotel, this guy's skin is really thick."

I have a long time in my heart.

At that time, it would be inevitable to mention Dai Mu.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Dai Mu and didn't have more movements. He heard the heart when he was alone.

Does he also have it?

After half a time, the blade was loosely opened to Tang San 's hand to strive to Oscar: "Oscar, give your sausage.

Ai Aika and Tang San have a black color, this is a human language? !

"Big Brother, this is easy to make people misunderstand!"

The blade penders: "Also almost."

I haven't cared for the black face of Oscar and Tang San, and I can't wait to bite his rabbit.

Walking to the side, the blade is washed from the soul tunner.

When I washed the thirteen, he smeared with a delicate and smooth hand, found that there was no bloody, this is satisfied.

When you look back, it is found that almost everyone stares at him with a weird eye.

He thought about it, his head is awkward, looked at everyone: "My beauty has made you moved on the line?"

"Hey, blame me."

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