Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 317

He is going to defend this after you know the soul skills of the blade.

He didn't look so stupid!

The fiasco of the Tang Tang on the back and forth is just because sudden IQ is not online.

unknown reason.

A sword march is really bombarded.

This originally rushed to the beads!

It is a person who is very angry, it is really a person who doesn't know how to get rid of the jade.

And Huang Yuan and the wolf are all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Tailong, you protect the beads, I and the Beijing" "

"Know! Don't be hit, this attack is not small!" Tailong positive a sword, probably knowing its power.

Looking at the two people who quickly rushed to themselves, the blade smiled, and waved the sword from time to time.

First sword!

First sword!

First sword!

Huang Yuan looked at the body and hit my sword, I couldn't find the second soul technology immediately - mad wolf fairy!


Two attacks collides! Will!

First soul skill - Tian Wolf!

Head shock waves, Huang Yuan continued to rush to the blade.

And the Jingling has not so good, and the blade sent three swords to him.

Even if he started the second soul technology - bone magic blessing is not all hiding.

A sword mood directly on his chest!

I have to say that the quality of the Bluea Academy is really good!

This is endless!

Strong attack has made Jingling spun to fly.

The first soul technology was first promoted to the front of the front of the Tailian coverage.

The blade looks at the Huang Yuan smile: Do you not move?

First sword!


And the color of Tailong changed, and he quickly guarded the beads.

"Boom!" The white mango from the side is again on him.

But he looked at Jingling: "Jingling !!"

The first sword once again bled the Jingling that had been injured.

The head is on the top of the light, and the Jingling who just stood up and prepared to participate is directly killed by this.

Because there is no feeling that this does not speak, he does not have any preparation and resistance.

He is once again hit!

"Shameless!" ,,, :

First soul skill - cure aura!

The second soul skill - cure the big battle!

Huang Yuan looked back at the eyes, pointed, and dead stared at the blade not far away.

Side, a roll, escape the swordsmanship of another flying!

Extremely smooth and conjunction.

The blade is two, there is something!

"Pearl, you are careful, Huang Yuan alone is absolutely no play! I have to go!" Tailong whispered, a roaring, once again, the [Royal

At the moment he left the bead, the prime swords were on him!

When it was resistant, a sword passed over him ...

Falling on the beads!

Her line of sight is still in the injured Jingling, and the people are already in the wind.

Because the blade is controlled, the blood of her spit is much less than the one that makes the blade and super uncomfortable.

" !!" Thalong, who came to see this scene, (in order to cut the atmosphere, exaggerate a little bit).

Blade Dark Road: I am still too kind.

The Tailong tube can't be so much, and the attack path is straight to the right side of the blade!

And Huang Yuan once again used the mad wolf, continue to approach the blade from the left side!

This is a trend to be ahead!

Ma Hongjun looked at the beads lying on the ground, and the Oscar next to the top: "Summit, have you seen it?"

Oscar is incredible to watch the beads in the ground, and nodded: "See it."

"The knife brother is a knife! This is too embarrassing ?!" Ma Hongjun lamented

"Does the blade don't know if you are pity?" The rabbit cooks his mouth.

Ning Rongrong thought that when the knife was sent out, he was originally angry, but he saw the horrible shape of the bead.

Suddenly I feel that he is too warm to himself!

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