Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 318

The blade looked at the way to block him, and screaming Titan, could not help but smile, after the two swords of Huang Yuan, he pointed the blade to Tailong outside the five meters ...

Tailong Khan Mao has standed up. Tang San introduced his second soul skill when the old bottom of the knife was!

Second soul technology - burst giant!

Rush! !

The third soul technology - gravity! !

He knows that his flexibility is hiding, in the electric light of the stones, he decided to let go!

I suddenly broke out at the feet, waving fists to swim!

His purpose, near the blade, one hit, it doesn't have any defensive blade! !

His plan is perfect!

The blade smiled and said: "Tailong, you are finished ~"

Second soul skill - spot!

Look at the look of Tailong skin, the blade is slightly harder ...


Tailong's body god is broken!

Dotting on his chest!


Blood sprinkle!

Blade: How? !

Forget it, it can't die anyway. Large not to wait for the old sumo to find a candy bean to give him a complement.

He looked at the distance from himself, and he rushed to the purple soul ring, smiled: "I hate you flexible, as long as people are enough to get close to me."

During the speech, the blade has been in front of it.

Huang Yuan's eyes are red.

The third soul technology - Hungry wolf shock! !

"Go out !!"

With his roaring, his whole person is like an increasing hammer, and he is heavy!

bingo! !


Hit the sound!

"Be careful!" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but exclaim.

The blade was taken by more than 10 meters, and a back is stabilized.

This is the blade used to block, and the yellow soul ring is shining in the blade! !

Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan, who have not adjusted, is not in a hurry, and rush to defend against it.

The blade did not make a knife.

Isn't a knife that kills killing?

What's more, this is his cute little partner, how do he get a hand?

The blade smiled and said: "You lose."

Then he recruited his Tang San and others to watch the show: "Xiaosan, you come over to give them an urgent treatment! I went to find a call to ask a few more cured gummeters!"

I didn't care about him in front of the master and others.

Quickly go outside the field.

Ning Rong Rong joke: "This guy is fast enough!"

Master Tang San faintly said: "Small three, give them to handle it."

Dai Mu white face is ugly, too strong!

A stinky cat secretly drums yourself: Come on, Zhu Zhuqing! Become stronger!

Chapter 149 is coming ~

When the blade is back, the beads and other people are sitting in the conditioning.

Everyone, especially Ning Rong, Xiao Dance, Zhu Zhu Qing three people look at his eyes is the most complicated.

It's not enough to start, it is a girl!

"Knife, will you get too embarrassed?" Ma Hongjun carefully opened.

The blade is holding the sugar peas and looked at the little fat, and there is Tang San and others.

"Is it? Is it not normal to be hurt in the battle?"

Master: Do you have this call? !

"Blade, you said that this is a little injury with the small dance sister?

The blade does not have a hand: "The blood in the human body spits some of the time to help the new blood supplements, it is good for health, this is a good thing."

Everyone: Your uncle!

Ning Rong Rong joke: "Excite!"

The master sighed, forget it, did not have disabilities.

Just this is afraid that four people will be a major blow. As Dai Mu is a few degrees in the blade, it is normal.


At the end of several people, the blade took three gold not long before the cure gumpere.

Four people looked at his eyes complicated with lonely.

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