Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 323

Zhuzhu saw them so soft: "I said that the dean could not let us wear the kind of dress for money."

Xiao Dance, Ning Rong Rong, and said to her seriously: "Pearl, you don't know our dean!"

Tang Successfully scratched his head: "Strange, how did the dean suddenly changed? We said that he didn't see him with a smell."

When the blade came, see them standing, but also discussed, it was very surprised.

what's the situation? !

However, when I saw the new team in the hands of the people, I knew that everything was smooth.

"You didn't have tired to the ground today, it seems that the master is lazy!" The blade smiled and sent it to the people.

Ning Rongrong Baby held clothes, regardless of the sweat on the body, a blade: "If you are tired, you know that the ugly person's team is changed, you will also jump!"

The blade smiled and handed her water: "Also."

Ning Rongrong took a bite after picking up, and the mood was very happy.

Others are not this.

When the blade passed the water to Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing did not pick up.

She is holding her team.

Some of the blade looked at her, Zhu Zhuqing looked at him with only two people who heard the voice: "Thank you, the team!"

The blade face is slightly changed, and the left hand quickly grades the mouth of Zhu Zhuqing.

Quickly vigilant and aimed at both eyes, seeing everyone is immersed in joy, did not pay attention to this, he relieved.

When I watched Zhu Ziqing, her face was so red, it was red, and the red, it could drip blood ...

The sense of warm slip is transmitted.

The blade quickly recovered his hand and made a sense of action against her.

Zhu Zhu Qing's face was red, took a nodded, took the kettle in the other hand of the blade, she walked to the lower head silently drinking this bitter ice water.

The blade did not respond for a while.

I saw it to sit down to the tree down the small mouth and drinking water sneak looking up at him, the blade smiled slightly, nodded.

Zhuzhu Qing hurriedly buried the chin in her ... there.

"I will go back first." The blade hit the sound and got to leave his team.

He has some doubts, how do Zhu Ziqing know? Forget it, he is so reliable, it will definitely not say it.

If Flander knows that things will be brought by him, he will have a big problem!

Zhu Zhuqing looked at him and couldn't help but think of it.

His fingers touch your lips and point on his lips ... Is this not an indirect kiss?

I thought that she couldn't help but buried my head.


"Zhu Qing, what happened?"

"No, there is nothing."

[Recommend Li Ziyi (I want to fly), very nice songs]

Chapter 152, next to let the blade classmates give you a few words!

The competition is finally coming.

Shrak held a solemn "swearing conference".

This can be regarded as the first time, the first time, the school stage show people, before they are almost a semi-hustle.

Various activities can not see their shadow.

"Dead fat, you have to get to stand how it?" Oscar squeezed the horse's eye on this.

Ma Hongjun is wretched: "So many beautiful women, this show is not a hook, isn't the girl in this show?"

Tang San couldn't shook his head. Although the fairy grass was removed from Ma Hongjun's evil, but as he did not change the habit of eating sea, this amplifier bad habits did not change due to evil.

Human habits is difficult to change, especially in bad habits.

Just like Dai Mu.

Tang Sanyi is not from the front of Dai Mu, who is sitting in front.

For a long time, it almost communicated with four or five girls (chatting in the chat, there is no intention to disclose), and it is necessary to change the taste every time.

With his tough figure, Yang Kong is handsome with the appearance of the evil charm, the hegemony of the temperament.

When I was in Soto City, some were women who want to contact them. Ma Hongjun was inadvertently revealed to Dai Mu Bai and a lot of cars ...

Just these are not used to it, but this is a private life of Dai Mu.

He, not much multi-tube.

Tang San can come out, Dai Mu Bai has some special relationships with Zhu Zhuqing. He is not clear, but it is not simple.

For a while, Zhu Zhuqing came for a while, for her, Dai Mu and White Wind Frequent Living habits converge.

Just for a while, Zhu Zhuqing did not give him a face, he again ...

Although there is still a convergence, but he will go out for a while, it will always be refreshing when he came back from him.

Occasionally it is also going out with Ma Hongjun.

I always intend to be in front of Zhuzhu ...

After this day, it may be because Zhuzhu Qing's attitude towards the blade is more close, and it is even more inconvenient.

Tang San knows that Dai Mu Bai is not what I like, love.

I will open the unknown factors, and Dai Muhu's pursuit of Zhu Ziqing is like a knife, it is just the color of the color.

Recently, Dai Mu Bai is deteriorated with the blade relationship. Tang San knows that this is not because the blade will overcome him. He hates you.

But because Zhu Zhuqing.

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