Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 324

Zhu Zhuqing's different attitude towards the arms, so that he jeally, avoids, grievances and hates.

This is the unsatisfactory psychology that Dai Mu Bai's "things" will be taken away.

Because Dai Mu's consciousness regards Zhuzhu Qing as his own ban.

He does not allow her to see more men, even if the man is excellent, even if he is in the outside wind debt.

Just what is he qualified?

Tang San felt that he did not qualify for the girls such as Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, he did not even change the determination of his unconventional habit for Zhu Zhuqing.

Since the pursuit of the psychological launch of torr valley, it will gradually expose its own nature, and even if there is anything wrong with it.

Tang San is not shameful, but this is the matter between them, his personal life style.

He can't say anything, nor to say, otherwise it is not that he is Tang three.

In addition, Dai Mu did not have any other big shortcomings. As the captain, the brother is also qualified, and the gods.

Just, how can he get Zhu Zhuqing's agreement?

It is a blade.

Tang San looked at the blade.

The blade is obedient to his gaze, and the head will look at him.

Then, the Tang San blinked.

Scared Tang San quickly moved away, it's too brilliant!

The little dance sat in Tang San, and suddenly hugged Tang San's hand, and vigilant looked at the blade.

What does the blade do this other do three things to her? !

The blade smiled and nodded with the rabbit.

The rabbit is relieved, she is a little afraid of the blade and he grabs the small three.

Blade: I will grab the carrot with you! Grab the small three? Why do I grabb? ! Warm bed?

Stinky men die far!

Among the Ward of the Tang Sanfang College, a large number of non-good eyes came to him.

Very strange, observe around, he found that most of them are some girls.

What did he do? !

"Irene, why do you say why men blink to the passerby?"

"That is still saying? It must be that the male god is deceived by him, he wants to force the nature, aesthetic, and to occupy the male god!"

"I think it is also, it is not a good thing ..."

Fortunately, Tang San didn't hear it, or it was afraid that he was ejected on the spot.

At least three feet! !

The process is step by step.

Moderator, great Flander, Moderator, Teacher Declaration (blade feels that the Master's Declaration is unfair), host ...

A pile of fallen brain.

Finally, I finally got to everyone.

Nothing to do, just to let everyone see what the warfare is like, if you can't get it, you can't recognize itself, embarrass.

After everyone left the audience, they stood on the stage, and the mountains rushed to the sea.

Then, the scattered girl screams, and the boys also looked at several beautiful women on the court, but quickly was covered with a girl's cry.

"Male god!"

"Male god!"


This is inexplicable, the main melody in the field, the host laughs ...

There is no effect.

The old man is somewhat embarrassed, but under the court audience, step for many years, the god of the conference, never allowed him to make the rude behavior of the face and personal face.

Under the helpless, the old man can only go to the "male god" that smiles in the field.

The atmosphere in the field Dai Mu Bai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Tang San and others in the heart of my heart.

This is not true for Flanders and others.

It is a happy reading of the fun.

It's so young! in those days……

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then we will let the blade classmates say a few words to the college, it is good ?!"

The host stood next to the blade and took the microphone as much as possible to Zhongzhong in the field.



"Not good!" (Covered)



The host made a eye on the blade.

The blade is blinked.

Moderator's heart, this is a young young!

Long, extraordinary temperament, mentality, good talent, small brain foot!

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