Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 329

Frante's mouth smoked.

However, this kid said is also the fact, even if this kid is strong, only one is still forty-first.

However, he raised his hand and gave a blade: "Your kid gives me serious point, this is about your life!"

The blade is sigh: "Dean, I am very serious, can you still have a trick?"

Fran delace has a strip short wooden stick.

The blade closes the bakes in the hand, and the mouth is rubbed, and the eyes are staring at the shortcoming in Flanders in the hands of Flanders.

"Dean, this is a secret weapon, and you can kill the soul!"

Flend face is a black: Is there any baby I can give you a boy? !

"Positive point." Flandy pushed pushes.


The blade is some disappointed, and I thought that the dean had a second-stop murder of the second place in his hand. It seems not.

"This is the signal bomb used by Bijun, mainly used to communicate."

"If you really fall to attack, immediately pull it out to release the signal to the sky, and the fireworks through its explosion, I still have to rescue." Flanders.

The blade is holding the Sign Bomb in Flanders.

"Remember, if it is not right to immediately pull it, don't hesitate." Fland stared at the blade.

After the blade nodded, put the small short stick in his hand, smiled: "Reassure, the dean, but if you really use it, you can trouble you."

The Flend's mouth hooked slightly and pushed the eyeglass laugh:

"Although your boy is very unfaithful, how to say that it is our traker. If you are killed by these inexplicable A cat, I can't afford this person!"

The blade smiled: "That is not, so you can protect the good people, oh ~"

Flend face a black: "Positive point."

The blade put a box of new pastries into Flanders, and then seriously said: "Dean, my little life is relying on you!"

Frand is a noddling.

"You don't have to be too nervous, as long as you keep up with the big part, then it is the collapse of our homes!"

"Dean domineering!" The blade was a thumbs up to Flander.

Flend is very satisfied.


As long as there is a small money, the students' love is enough!

When two people go in, Frand is, don't say it.

The blade naturally understands his concerns and responds seriously.

The rest have some doubts, but don't ask.

The room to be prepared for everyone is a suites, a double room.

The girl has been assigned, the little dance and the beads, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

And boys are Tang San, Oscar, Dai Mu, Ma Hongjun, Tailong, Jingling, and blade and Huang Yuan.

The blade is still satisfied, as long as it is not Dai Mu, Ma Hongjun, Jingling's people who are atmospheric and turbid are still acceptable, although he likes to live alone.

He smiled and greeted Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan wanted to squeeze a little smile, but did not do it.

Just a little bit: "Please take care!"

Blade: It is very serious.

The panel is facing: "Please take care!"

Huang Yuan: "..."

Take the key, Fland and Zhao have the lead.

Ning Ronglong took Zhu Ziqing to drag the Zhu Zhuqing, and turned back to the blade.

Blade: Xiaoxian is so cute ~ ^ 3 ^

The blade took a shot and smiled and said: "Let's go."

Huang Yuan nodded: "Well."

Looking at the blade, Huang Yuan went away, the master wants to retain, but Liu Dilong has hugged his arm.

"Let's go, Xiaogang, we also go up." Liu Diqi said with temperature and the road.

"Second Dragon, we ..."

"Hey!" Liu Erlong snorted and dragged the master directly.

She remembered that some small suggestions to the blade when I returned on the road:

Teacher Erlong, I can't be too gentle, you should be too gentle, the hit, the toughness, or the master he can't hear what you said.

Looking at the masters of sudden squats, Liu Dilong smiled.

The knife is too right!

One hundred and fifty-six chapter night!

Golden brilliant, exuded in a copper smelly suite.

Salty fish is lying on the snow white, flexible big bed.

Huang Yuan is something that I can't believe that the absurd picture I have just seen is true.

This man, who is an example, just now, actually rolling in bed ...

Roll ... roll ... roll ...

Huang Yuan. "

The sudden opening of the blade will pull Huang Yuan back from the loss of illness.

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