Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 330


The blade is sitting up and looking at him: "Is it good to discuss with you?"

Huang Yuan: "Good."

"Can Jun be sleeping on the ground? Although this bed is large, he is not used by Jun."

The blade is used in a magnetic sound.

After Huang Yuan silent, he was seriously looked at: "Say people."

He, not very much reading.

The knife is helpless: "It is to ask you to make a shop. Although this bed can't get the second man."

Huang Yuan strangely said: "This bed is so big, even if you can sleep, how can you can't you have a second man?"

The blade quietly looked at him.


"What's wrong?" Huang Yuan felt very uncomfortable, the eyes of the blade revealed this pity, caring, sympathy, etc.

Suddenly the blade was helpless: "Forget it, forget it, the bed will give you, I played."

Huang Yuan's face flashed some panic, quickly said: "The bed is big, we have completely enough to sleep!"

The blade is under the bed, and there is no expression: "Don't sleep with stinky men."

Huang Yuan: "..."

It turns out that it is not a space problem, but he is disappeared.

Looking at the blade and starting the bed, he walked to the blade: "Are you a master player, or your bed."

The knife stopped in the hands of the hand, looked at him: "I am the main force? You said wrong! Remember, you are the main force!"

"I?" Huang Yuanneng pointed to himself.

The knife is nodded: "Don't consider someone else, don't think that the master arranges you to join the team is the substitute. These are not important. You have to do it in your heart."

"You, you can't have the idea of ​​the low-class, the strong is never."

The blade looks at Huang Yuan, finger poke his chest muscles.

Still very strong ...

After that, he smiled and screamed Huang Yuan's chest: "Come on, I am optimistic!"

Then, continue to lay the bed.

I looked at the blade to take out a lot of stones that exude a white mango.

Huang Yuan's eyes gradually got firm.

That's right! Strong people never have a low-class thought.

Is it to join the team with a substitute? !

He didn't look down on me, how can I look at myself!

"Be taught!" He put the blade of the brightite on the ground to the ground.

The blade will help it, laugh: "Don't be so serious."

Too honest? Σ (????)? (Blade Inner Medium)

However, the eyes of this kid are indeed firm.

Huang Yuandao: "Blade, I really thank you!"

The blade smiled and swayed: "Don't mention this, but there is a rule with I live together."

"Please say."

"I am sleeping, I can't touch me when I practice. Can you do it?"

Huang Yuan nodded: "No problem."

The blade laughed: "That's okay, right, the master has a collection?"

"No, but the master arranged the collection points in Tang San and Oscar."

"This is ..."


Time tapered.


The staff sent a dinner, Huang Yuan withdrew from the cultivation state, I saw the blade, I went to the dishes in the dish, even the spoon didn't let.

There are still oil in his mouth ...

Huang Yuanyi thought of buying a buying behavior along the way, could not help.

It turned out to be because of his mouth, so I couldn't help but eat first!

But it's not known, so he is so awkward. (Huang Yuan's inner small theater)

The blade pushed the dining car to the table, putting things behind the Huang Yuan, who came to the bed, was taken: "Sit."


"Zhu Qing, Zhu Qing."

Zhu Zhuqing took out cultivation, and the Ning Rong Rong, who climbed into the bed, was looking at her.

"what happened?"

Ning Rong Rong, looking down: "Eating! My good bamboo clear ~"


Another room.

"Second, Second Dragon! You, you, how you -, you, you should put clothes first!"

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