Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 331

Liu Dragon, who just came from the bathroom, was wrapped in her mature and attractive body with a bath towel.

Its beautiful face has long been covered, which is to make such a bold move for the most loved man, she is hesitant for a long time!

Herd, tangled, hesitated, entangled.

I think that she is ashamed to cool down with cold water!

However, after a long time, after hesitation, the mind suddenly sounded in the mind, the silver teeth bite -

She is not prepared to wait!

Slightly stunning the lights.

Liu Erlong's eyes are blurred, and the long hair of Shuishu has not yet dried. The proud mountain peaks seem to open the bathrobe, and the big snow-white skin is exposed to the air ...

She licked the lips of crystal and slipped, and she took the barefoot to the master.

The ripe woman's style is displayed.

The master wanted to remove the sight, but ...

The body is hot, and the heart is unprecedented.

Why is Liu Dynasty?

She slowly walked to him, bathrobe, finally falling off.


After dinner, Ning Rong has seen Zhu Zhuqing once again entered the cultivation state. It feels good.

Ugh! Cultivate it.

Sitting around Zhuzhu Qing, Ning Rongrong also entered the cultivation state.

The blade looked at Huang Yuan sitting in bed and suddenly sighed.

What to do, he still didn't take a shower!

It's so tangled, or do you want him to withdraw from the cultivation to die?

Herd a long-lasting blade decision is still.

Shake his head and went to take a shower.

When you come out, I only feel relaxed, take a deep breath ...

Forget it, don't breathe, the stinky man who hasn't taken a bath has contaminated the air in this suit.

Blame himself, he should be worried.

The blade went to open the window and breathed a breath, this cool night wind!

However, the hustle and bustle of the street outside the window will also flow in the wind.

Before the window, look at the pedestrians who lived in the street outside the street, stayed.


For a long time, for a long time, it is rare to have a hazardous intraocular distance reunion.

He stretched a lazy waist.

I looked back and I was still cultivating Huang Yuan, gouting.

It's a big poetry, and loudly:

Long night

Advise Jun wants to ask more

There is still a stinky man in the room

Only practice

When a poem is completed, he closes the window.

Then move the padded light stone to the window.

The legs are sitting down, enter the shallow cultivation, and the right hand keeps a most relaxed posture.

If there is an immediate, he can immediately rise.


On the opposite street, stood in the dark corner, licking his lips, grinked and laughed.

"Don't worry, don't worry, so perfect prey ... you have to enjoy ... ..."

The creepy trail echoed in a dim alley.

[From today, enjoy the big one, the alliance plus ten!

[I know that I am dreaming, please don't wake me (~ ¯ ▽ ¯) ~]

What is going on by the 157th chapter!

The next day, when Huang Yuan got up, there was still a dark, and the desk was white.

It is very soft. When you get your eyes, you only feel a faint white shroud when you adapt to the dark.

Good magical martial art!

"Wake up? Huang Yuan, you are very early." The blade put down the book in his hand and looked at Huang Yuan laugh.

Huang Yuan sat down at the table, there is still no expression on his face: "You are earlier."

"Do you want to turn light?"

"No, your martial arts is full of lighting."

Blade: "..."

What do you mean? Is it a person who provokes me? !

"It is also, I like this function, I don't have to worry about the light source when reading the book."

"I envy you." Huang Yuan is very serious, although he doesn't read it very much.

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