Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 342

But he has to rush out of the current interest!

This time can do a lot!

And Tang San immediately withdrew its corresponding blue silver prisoner when he rushed to the enemy.

The two long-faced and similar women were returned in the blue silver prisoner, they were ruthlessly attacked by Huang Yuan and Tailong.

Their martial arts is very special, is [sand], facing Huang Yuan and others to attack their yellow soul ring.

Second Soul Technology - Shadun! !

When Huang Yuan and Tailong have used the strongest skill! This defense force smashed the amazing sandy of the score actually offset the two-fifth of the two-fifth of the two-fifth of the two-person talents.

Looking at the wind that fly out, if the water, the two team leader roared, and the blue silver cage rushed to the second woman ...

If there is no wind, if the two people of the water, the martial arts integration skills [sandstorm] Qingfang.

This bureau will be undoubtedly!

No one can go out, but they can't!

He wants to save people, but ...


Tang three lived!

If you look at the wind, if he barking, he barking and shredded the blue and silver grass that would heal it and turned to Tang San with the bead.

They have lost ...

But it is too ugly!

He, keep the Safety Academy and the Glory of the Faces!

Chapter 163, Rong Rong, is there any special feeling?

During his process of rushing to Tang San with the Pearl, we Dai Muhong had a white tiger shining wave bombarding the evil charm of the sorrow, and the sorrows of Zhuzhu Qing.

He shouted his blood and fell out of the battle. After taking a dozen, he just lie down like a mud.


Dai Mu shouted, turned to another shot.

And the karaoke is fascinated by another, and the waistband will be thrown out of the field!

And Zhu Ziqing took a circle after chasing the thief, and finally came to the desperate assistance ...

The same is the soul of the soul, but Zhu Ziqing only used a trick to Nether Temple to drop him.

His martial arts [bamboo] does not have an attack power.

When people have cleared the opponent, the martial arts, the team leader, the two team leaders who have broken through Tang San's blockade.

Not only is his own strength, but also because Tang San is too close to him.

The fourth soul technology - the wild lion roar! !

The sound wave is in the Tang three!

He is still not coming out of the chante, and it feels that it is like a hive!

A blood sprayed out and flew out!

"Small three !!" The voice of the little dance is most loud.

The blade looks at the smile and shakes his head.

Tang San, Tang San, rising suggestion, and the strength hiding four achievements is very dangerous.

More than this value, if you live in a live phase, then you will be prepared to die with this hidden strength ...

Pearl is busy with the hand to fight against Tang San, which has stabilized his body!

But the tag has come to two.

His eyes have a blood red, he already, no matter what!

The glory of the war is not allowed to take this wolf!

Second Soul Technology - Slim!

Overbearing fierce punches are going to be on the head of Tang San!

When you say it late, it's fast!

A white tiger light wave is from a side role.

Because his mind is engaged in attack, it is not easy to go back, but it is actually a born body to take this hit!

He was bombarded, and the uniform in the Borden Bench was made with excellent material. It is also a lot of breakage.

The blood is tarnished.

When he landed, he immediately got up again to attack again ...

However, Dai Mu Bai, Zhu Zhuqing, Titan and others have been combined.

The general trend has been going.

Looking at the alert, the little lion has passed through the body, but the death war is not retreat until it is in the past.

There have been no noddion in the highest look, and there is a little gratified in my eyes.

It seems that the war is absent from the war, blood, blood, and yet.

Ning Rongrong, his mouth: "This guy, so fierce!"

A silence in the field is that gamblers who have a gambling ticket in their hands also stopped shouting.

The kind of iron blood showing the captain of this Fighting team is not afraid of death.

"Rong Rong, your attention should not be on him."

"Well?" Ning Rongrong did not understand the knife fish that had been licking with a lollipop.

"Do you see that auxiliary?"

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