Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 343

"Well." Ning Rong nodded, but still didn't know what he would want.

"Is there any special feeling?"

"Special feeling?"

"It seems that there is no." The blade has some feelings.

Ning Rong Rong Hui said: "If you have something, don't sell Guan Chi!"

The blade is seriously looked at him: "For example, the rabbit is dead."

"The rabbit is dead fox?" Ning Rongrong looked at the head and doubts.

Zhao Wuyi and Flander, Liu Erlong, the master heard it.

The master is slightly talented, I want to look back, but I'm thinking of Flem of the right shook his head gently, indicating that he listened.

The master is a little afraid that the blade is bad, and she took her into the curve, but she nodded.

"Don't worry, the blade this child is inserted." Leaning the Liu Dilong on the shoulders of the master.

The master is not a taste in his heart, why do you think that you can't see the blade?

"Second Dragon! He is fake in front of you!"

The master's face is bitter, shouting in my heart.

However, heard the faint fragrance from Liu Dragon, and the soft and warmth of the arm came, and his heart could not help but

Recalling the madness of last night.

Both people are gone in the first taste, and there is a wonderful taste, which is intoxicated.

In addition, it is crazy to ask the other party for many years.

Until the end of the morning, the parties were embracing, and they were sleeping.

The thoughts of years have been said to be in the heart.

Listening to Liu Erlong said that he couldn't help but sobbing, his heart was broken, he did He Desir to play this beauty?

I miss here he couldn't help but sigh.

"Xiao Gang."


"Well, don't you go?"



Fland thought it was completely put down.

but none.

One of the words of love is to put it?

"There is no change to think, if your situation is like the auxiliary, what?"

"How can I, I have been eliminated." Ning Rongrong didn't want to give an answer directly.

The blade looks at her, laughs: "Outlook? If the enemy is as your small life?"

Ning Rongrong hesitated: "I have a hidden instrument given by three brothers ..."

"Hirder? What are you talking about? If you are, if you, it is true that you really can't kill the enemy, but the enemy more than one?"

"This ..." Ning Rong said hesitated.

He really didn't think about this problem.

The front of Zhao's helpless is nod, and it is true that it is still fragile with Tang Sanzi's hidden hidden.

If more than forty enemies have premature preparations for this Zhuge God, these hidden people are still difficult to play a powerful killing in their hands.

"Rong Rong, is there interest to practice the sword? You have the talent in this area." The blade seriously looked at the silence of Ning Rong Rong, whispered.

"History, Shrike College wins !!"

The battle in the field has already ended, and the host also announced the battle results.

The gambler who lost money also went back to God and started.

The master wants to retreat back to prevent the blade from taking a rising, but is stopped by Fland.

"Listen." Fland pushed the glasses.


"Little Gang, listening to the vest." Liu Dilong's tone is gentle, cut with a few points.

"Well." The master should be sound.

"The grandfather said, he made me learn the sword with him." Ning Rong is low.

"Can you see your talent in the swords, it seems that you are not bad in your mouth."

"What is good, it is super!" Ning Rong looked up his head.

"Well, super powerful." The blade nodded, but it was said: "Why do you not learn? Is this master to teach your sword, always a rare opportunity?"

Ning Rong Rong's head couldn't help but lower his face. Micro-red: "Refining sword is very hard, then say that it is good to practice, you can't fight the soul of the soul, the animal soul teacher, and ... If you practice a muscle, how to do ? People are so beautiful, how do you go to see people at that time ... "

Her voice is getting lower and lower, the fingers are rowed on the legs.

[May Junan Talent Festival (¯) ¯)]

Chapter 164 Rong Rong, practice sword! (Subscribe!)

The master is silent, and the grandfather of this sword is the Jianbao Luo Luo.

Since he has made Ning Rong Rongxian, he has its own truth.

The blade does not help but laugh, "Because you give up?"

Ning Rong looked up, beeded, his face was red, and glared at the knife: "Just give up! I know that I don't have perseverance, very useless, okay ?!"

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