Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 344

The blade shakes his head, and the hand is on the somewhat irritating in Ning Rong, looking at this big eyes with a shame, said:

"Rong Rong, please pay attention to your words."

Ning Rong Rong: He, will he want to hit me? !

He dares! !

"I never look for you, I didn't think you didn't use it, no perseverance."

Ning Ronglong looked at this bright and sincere eyes, some embarrassed slight movements were light, and it was light.

His hand is pressing on my shoulder to look at me ...

It seems to be those couples!

I think that her body is somewhat, my face is scalping a bit.

Frald, the master took a few people behind, and the heart was smoked. He thought that this child had to finish, but it was already confused by him!

Liu Erlong smiled, it is a good boy!

"It is reversed, Rong Rong, I appreciate you very much. Aime is a human nature, you are afraid of the five three thickness this nature, if you are honoring, you are so cute, beautiful girl arm is still rough, you don't say Rongrong. Willing, it is impossible to agree! "

Appreciate me? !

What is the beautiful girl like this? !

How can so many people can boast?

Shy is dead!

Ning Rongrong's face is shameful, but it is hot, and the face moves to the side. If you want to pretend, you can't care, but it is difficult to hide.

"And good and evil is also the nature of people. I am afraid that it is normal. Just as I am not in the college? Before the bright hole, under the old banyan tree, the lounge chair opened, ..."

The masters who listen to the masters of the first half are nodded frequently, but they will be black when they hear the back half.

Your kid is very moist, it is very moist!

"I will not stand. When you sway your youthful sweat, I am lazy."

"I am also so hard."

"There is not enough necessary case, unnecessary, can not bring gain, can not avoid the suffering of the disaster, who is a fool!"

"You are very persevering, remember, are you running around the Shlak Academy?"

"Who thinks you can complete the task? But you have finally completed the task, you have not given up in the future training, and there is no longer behind anyone!"

"You are a very persevering girl!"

The blade is affirmative.

Ning Rongrong listened to it, he was so exciting!

"And you don't practice the sword."

"First, because there is no need to realize the need to practice the sword. Let you practice swords are not to let you rush in the forefront of the enemy, but to let you not fall in addition to escape, there is no reason."

"Practice the sword, practice to a certain level, even if you face the same level of the battle teacher, you will have a certain strength, don't say defeat, but at least drag to your comrades come to rescue."

The master recognizes the heart, but it is suspected that non-swordsman's soul can not reach this level, and in the Douro Continent - Wuhun is the foundation.

Although he often said that "this world is fair", he can't help but laugh, but he deeply understands that the world is the most unfair.

Because talents have almost determined everything.

The tribe is as him, and the two decades of uninterrupted efforts is still in the abutment of the barriers to break through the barriers.

More sad is ordinary people, they are destined to have no demonstrations in this life, only hope that the next generation can have a soul.

Is it what the big rich?

If an ordinary person is finally ordinary.

However, if a person wants to change the current situation, it will not be able to abandon it in the world.


"I know that you don't practice the sword because you don't agree with it."

"Look at me, Rong Rong." The blade avoids his Ningrong Rong Road.

Ning Rong Rong is the opposition, the blade really seems to pinch her red pounce.

"Rong Rong, my soul skills do you think strong?"

Ning Rongrong habitually wants to refute, but look at this handsome and serious face, she nodded.

"If you reach a certain realm of the application of the sword and soul, there is no corresponding martial art, the soul ring is similar to the first sword. You can also use it."

Don't say that Ning Rong is a shock, it is Fland, Zhao Wuji, master, Liu Erlong, Oscar and others.

"Blade! What are you talking about ?!" Ning Rongrong is difficult to implement.

The master and others have returned to the blade, if it is true, it is too horrible!

The blade nodded and said: "It is true, the book seems to be collectively referred to as the skill of the soul ring" is "self-created soul". "

"I can use it, but it takes more complex operations compared to directly launching the soul ring."

"To do this, you need to have a long-term hard work, but also have talent."

"Rong Rong, this talent is not everyone, you think about your sword, say that you have the talent that you have practicing swords?"

"This is not, the grandfather is often sighed, can't find a goddess, you can inherit him."

The knife is nodded: "The sword, everyone can refine, but want to practice well, it is difficult to practice the true."

"People always want to deny the role of talents, but the truth is always described that there is not that talent, many times, do not have enough efforts."

"Find yourself with talents, interested, and add to diligence."

"Rong Rong, correctly understand your talent, don't waste it."

"Your time is added with sweat, will become your most reliable hard strength!"

Ning Rong looked at the eyes of the blade and listened carefully.

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