Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 348

Hahaha! (Rabbit pirate waist is laughing)

The rest of the people are also sigh for three or two two or two.

Ning Rongrong didn't leave, she turned back to the blade, she also wanted to find a tackle to go shopping.

But so many people ...

How to open!



Blade: "..."

What is the injury?

"Zhu Qing, we also go shopping." Dai Mu hesitated his way to Zhu Zhuqing.

Just when Ning Rong was ready to pull Ning Rong Rong, he heard the voice of Weidu Baoli.

Zhu Zhuqing's awareness of the mind moved toward the blade behind, and then recovered his eyes and shook his head: "I want to go back to practice."

I didn't care about the face of Dai Mu, I held the hand of Ning Rong Rong.

In the back of Zhuzhu Qing, he revealed cold and disgusted.

The blade that has not been left yet also went out.

When wearing a white face, the teeth were white, and the teeth were smashed, the fists were gripped, and the eyes were on the blade that just went to the door.

After stepping out of the door, the blade shook his head smile, really, there is a copy of him, but ...

Mu Bai, you will die, you will die ~

Dai Mu and dead stare at the exit, the chest is dramatic ...

After half an minutes, he deeply sucked a sigh of breath, then spit out, and the eyes were in the eyes, and they were calm.

Dai Mu did not express his expression, a sleeve left.

On the bedside, there was a worry in the back of the bed, and there was a concern, and sighed a breath: "Dai Bao, don't do a stupid thing ..."

Get up, clean up what the chair table that is moved in sitting.

Time is already dusk.

The blade really wants to understand what the master has studied, and it took a half time.

When he returned to the room, he just met the service personnel to send dinner.

Huang Yuan has not started cultivating, he is placing food.

Huang Yuan. "


"You go to the bath, these will be given to me." The blade smiled and took the dishes in his hands and pushed it with your fingers.

Huang Yuan looked at the fingers of the blade and knew that he was disappeared ...

He is somewhat puzzled, if you don't sweat, do you not take a bath for three or five days?

Gently sniff himself, he is more confused.

Didn't taste!

"Blade ..."

"Hey, go to the bath." The blade smiled and smiled in him, while summoning the sharply appreciated.

"Well." Huang Yuan's mouth smoked, and there was no expression in the back.

The blade is satisfied with the blade, it is a young man who is a matter!

When you put food, I remembered the knock on the door.

The blade opened the door after judging the other party.

Outside the door, it is a middle-aged person wearing a black swallow dress. Its expressions are serious, and the eyes are sharp, and they are tall and strong, giving people a sense of compression.

While the blade, he also got the blade.

The middle-aged people have a dark road: "It's really a table person."

"Hello, is there anything?" The blade smiled and gave.

The middle-aged people bent back and let go. It seems that I want to squeeze a smile, but maybe it is awkward. After a while, he will give up.

Natural boards face: "The monks are Qi Tian, ​​the servant of the son, specially caught by the son to ask you."

The blade is curious: "Is your son?"

The middle-aged shook his head: "It is not convenient to disclose. If you are willing to see it, you will know."

The blade bowed his head and thought, the middle-aged person looked at him quietly, and he did not urge it.

Finally, the blade looked up and smiled: "Okay, I want to meet your bonus."

The middle-aged man is serious: "You will not regret, please come with me."

He is a one-piece posture.

The blade also did a posture: "Please bring the way."

The middle-aged man is nodded, stepping on the steps to the brilliant aisle to exit.

The blade is in the middle of the room: "Huang Yuan, you eat first, I will go out!"

Pull the door and follow this middle-aged person.

The blade is really curious, can send a more than 60 levels of 'servants' to ask him whom.

Currently, he can think of a type of person plus one person.

First, this is a big figure with the purpose of recruitment.

However, he did not play the strength, where did the other party know that he is so good?

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