Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 349

For this, the blade is somewhat confused.

Second, it is a year, although the blade does not think that it is easy to call a 60th-level soul teacher to play this, there is this possibility.

He is ready, if the situation is not good, he will immediately summon the great Flanders' delegation to participate, and then tell the matter again.

The future flowers of the Tiandu Empire are being destroyed by non-rail, and the sky royal family can't always do it?

Anyway, on the current situation, the blade is not afraid!

Moreover, as long as there is no title to fight with the flying class, he is big to go!

The middle-aged people who died in decent refining, listening to the footsteps of the calm foot: "This young people are also grateful!"


Outside the hotel gate, a carriage that brightens the bright eyes of the eyes is waiting.

"Small three, will we leave with that uncle?"

"Little dance, don't worry."

"Why don't I worry, inexplicably say that there is any son to see you!"

"He said a few words in your ear, you agree to! You still don't say anything!" The small dance is dissatisfied with the Tang San.

"Little dance, not I don't say, but ... come." Tang San made a banned gesture for the little dance.

"Please." The middle-aged man opened the cafe and made actions on the blade.

The blade smiled and the Tang San Xiao Dance in the inside: "Hey ~"

"Blade, how do you have been invited?" Xiao Dance was confused.

The blade has helpless booths: "Who knows?"

The Tang San is thinking about it, Ningfeng is consistent with heavy blame.

The blade is naturally sitting opposite the Tang San Xiao Dance, laughing: "It seems that your dating soup is oh ~"

Tang San Lao face is red, it is necessary to argue, the little dance is ahead, holding a small boxing threat to the blade:

"Blade, don't say, otherwise the little dance sister is flat!"

Tang San Hong face nodded agreed.

Blade: "..."

"Okay, good, I am confused, but your shopping plan seems to be a soul." The blade smiled and swayed.

The little dance and Tang San are naturally a lot.

The small dance call: "No, what!"

"Little dance, rest assured, can't have a long time." Tang San comforted her.

The blade is ok, it seems that it is not a time.



Delicious and guarded in the house, one side is clear, Wen Wenru, the beautiful and gorgeous teenagers are slightly neglected, and the positive end of the tea cup is low.

"Teacher, you can understand the Chinese Tang San, his background is deep, and his own talent is also very amazing, but why can this blade get you so much?"

S: Push "Douro's Red Douro", the emperor's king is big (¯ ▽ ¯) σ

Chapter 168, women, you successfully caught my attention! (¯ (oo) ¯)

When the carriage stopped, the closed-eyed blade opened his eyes.

The route passed by the carriage has been fully presented in his mind.

Here is not far from the hotel.

Three people get off.

The blade is worthy of this ... war fortress.

In the eyes of the parallel, this building built by pure marble may be atmospheric, majestic, magnificent ...

"Small three, this building is good!"

The little dance eyes flashed the small stars stared at the big door created by heavy wood with heavy wood.

Blade: Look, the foreman is like this.

"Well." Tang three ok, but his heart is not like a rabbit, it is generally only seen.

He saw a little doorway.

The middle-aged man is in heavy armor, and the guards of the handheld warriors have played a gesture.

Guard starts while starting with the warriots with unique rhythm strike that heavy door.


The gate is opened from the inside.

The middle-aged three people were slightly bending in the card. "Please come with me."

After walking, I will walk in.

The blade took the Tang San Dao in the Tang Dynasty: "Let's go."

Tang three o'clock in Tang, the little dance left aims to see the right, and it is like playing water like a mountain.

Blade: Better 100,000 years of rabbits, entering this crisis, four fortress, still so calm!

However, it can also be understood that the rabbit has never seen any big wind in 10,000 years. What is the place where the area is staring again by more than ten eyes?

Suddenly, the rabbit ran to the middle-aged people who took the road in front of Qi Tian, ​​whispered:

"Uncle, there is a few trees there, will it be a thief?"

Qi Tian is also not surprised, although these dark guards are all elite, but the highest is 30.

A little girl who was exhibited from the Soul Soul of Soups in the Soups Soul found that one or two people were normal.

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