Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 350

"The little dance girl does not have worry, this is the guard in the son."

Xiao Dance is a mouth, complaining: "This, the little dance sister is thinking to have a thief."

The middle-aged people listened, serious faces could not bring a smile, it is a meaningful little girl.

The blade smiled and shook his head. It seems that he thinks more. The idiots are still a dresses, and they will become smart because of the few carrots.

The little dance returned to Tang San.

Here is big, saying that small is small.

Daily stone, rockery, many erected high walls, dense trees, similar to the wings of the fortress ...

There is no ubiquitous dark guard.

The blade is called, see this situation, this son is afraid that it is very big.

Three people followed the road with Qi Tian, ​​came to the largest and most core building here.

There are two guards in front of the door, there is no war forever, only the Polytel.

However, the blade knows that this sword is just decorated, because the two are above 40 or more, and they should not rely on ordinary swords.

It is amazing that this armored defense force committee is amazing.

The materials used are almost the same as his black iron sword, although heavy, defensive.

However, this armor should not wear the door.

This heavy armor should be built on the battlefield of thousands of people.

Instead of use in a blessing.

This will only affect the flexibility of its opponents.


Wearing this is to give someone to make a meat shield.

Interesting, it seems that this big figure is big.

After the middle-aged person showed a handlell, the guard did the door.

Xiao Dance: "Do you want to be so troublesome?"

Tang San grabbed her softness, shook her head, and showed that she would not talk.

Feel the temperature from the hand, the small dance face is slightly red, some shy nodded.

The blade noted that there was a line of sight on the fortress, but he did not notice that the seventy-level big was found to be very faceless.

"Please come with me."

Three people have followed the heavy gates, but they are not surprising in the building.

It is a simple taste, and the bright light is lit up with a simple taste.

Three knives walked up with Qi Tian.

Go, go around, finally crossing the layer obstruction, reaching the destination.

The top floor of the high building.

A few decorative decorations, a few extraordinary wooden seats, a meeting table.

Although the sky is getting darker, it is bright, and the night beads are inlaid.

In a spacious environment, only two people are drinking.

One person is clothing, but it is not very popular, one person is a white dress, and the two are very fascinating.

Drinking tea.

"Mr. Ning, Mr. Ning, is brought to." Qi Tian went to the two people respect.

The Snow Star is nodded, and the face is a smile like a spring breeze, whispering: "Hard work, go to rest first."

Qi Tian will go straight to the exit.

There is not much to look at the tool three people.

The eyes of Tang San and the little dance first stayed in Ningfeng who stared with their faint smile.

Then I saw the temperament and Ningfeng to have a seven or eight points of the seven or eight points.

Although this person is not as good as the blade, it is very concerned about it, no matter whether it is in appearance.

The eyes of the blade did not fall directly on the snow.

Interesting, this girl not only masks the hossy, but also with an angel family's breath ...

His eyes are far from being restored, but now look at the rabbit fine, even if they have points of mind, they have a shake of the madness, but only one eye can be used.

But this "son", I actually made him feel away from the eyes in an instant ...

Girl, you are very nor simple.

Say! Do you want to cause someone else to pay attention to someone else? !


Oh, woman, you have successfully caught my attention! (¯ (oo) ¯)


The Xueqing River naturally noticed the eyes of the blade.

To be honest, she was amazed, she only listened to Ningfeng to say that it was not like mortal, but he did not believe.

Just have to believe it now.

This person is good, she is also invisible.

It's just that he is looking at your own eyes ... What does his face "Sure" does what the expression is mean?

However, as long as the gadget is smile.

"Uncle Ning," Tang San and Xiao Dance I would like to ask Ning Feng.

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