Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 351

Ningfeng smiled nodded.

The blade retracted his eyes, and he fell on the neighborhood to him.

"Aflerie, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Ning Feng caused a slight smile to the three people, reached out to the air level, said: "Sit, do not restore."

The blade smiled and said: "Then I will be welcome."

After taking it, Tang San Xiaoqi hesitated to sit down next to the blade.

Ningfeng smiled and said: "Tang San, first of all, congratulations on winning the first game."

"To be honest, I am optimistic about you, but I didn't expect you to be so quickly able to defeat the entry of the Royal College."

"Uncle Ning has a prize, if it is not surprising, this game is afraid that it will be relaxed." Tang San smiled.

Ning Feng did not smile and smiled and said: "The process is not important. It is the result. Today, I will find you because there is a big person I hope to meet you."

The big eyes of a small dance a pair of machines have been shocking in the Xueqing River.

The Xueqing River's clear face will always take a touch of smile, but his attention is mainly on the blade and Tang San.

Seeing the three people falling on him, he smiled nodded.

It is very decent.

"The big figure is the emperor of the Tiangou Empire, the snow Qinghe." Ningfeng smiled and said to the triple.

The modest swing of the snow clear river smiled: "The big people can't."

Tang San pupi smashed, did not expect this young man to be the emperor of the Tiangou Empire! !

Xiao Dance is a small mouth: Wow, it is actually the emperor ~

"See the Temple." Tang San quickly rushed to the bag, the small dance is also followed by the shape.

The blade helpless, most hate these messy, just some scenes, the etiquette can't pay attention.

I got up and smiled: "I have seen the Qinghe Hall."

The snow clear river got up and used the gentle voice:

"Don't have to be arrested, we have agreed, privately intersecting the lifelong, if you don't think you will call me a clear brother."

"Don't dare." Tang Sanlian is busy.

"Don't give up, don't give up, the blade will fight with a clear brother." The blade laughed.

Tang San:"……"

Xiao Dance: "..."

Ningfeng: "..."

Xueqing River: I am polite, you ... don't be true.

However, he is a smile, it is a fun person.

Ningfeng smiled and shook his head.

"Let's sit down." Xueqing River smiled with three people.

Next, it is a very boring guest condom.

They are all kinds of mutually nonsense, but this has no way, it is always necessary to make the next warm-up, pavé.

"The knife is as good as the teacher, a table talent, and the appearance is more peerless." The Xueqing River and Tang San will communicate with the feelings to the blade.

The blade is sigh: "It is indeed, but you will not be bad in the Qinghe brother."

Directly admitted? Don't you take a look?

Don't say that the Xueqing River slightly stunned, it is Tang San, Ningfeng caused to someone who is not.

The snow is smiling, but he laughed in love, she has never seen such a man.

However, he

"Listen to the teacher said that the knife is not a family forces, but a person is in this soul teacher. It is a little thin, just like a sharp brother. It is fear that it will be powerful."

"If the blade is not disappointing ..."

The blade swayed and laughed: "Qinghe brother's kindness is the best, but this is the most unconstrained. When I think of it, I have to fall into a variety of messy battles in my head."

"However, if it is really tired in the future, I want to find an old man ..."

Snow Snow River is somewhat confused, old people?

The blade is sinking. "Well, I will be able to rely on the organization, will you pass?

The snow Qinghe is forcibly putting out what the old man throws the mind and laughs:

"This is the honor of the Qinghe, but if the blade brother, if you encounter something trouble, you will find the Qinghe help."

"Qinghe is targeted."

The blade smiled nodded: "The blade will thank the Qinghe brother,"

In the heart: I am! I believe you have a ghost. Who is a fool?

Of course, the blade is also convinced to a certain extent, in order to recruit themselves, this woman is playing a man's Xueqing River will shoot.

But why is the breath of an angel family play the emperor of the Tiangou Empire?

The blade smelled the taste of the conspiracy.

"The knife and brother don't have to be polite, but the Qing River should talk to the Tang brother to talk about some things, so I will lose it first." The Xueqing River got up and apologized.

"Nothing, when you are chatting, you can do it." The blade poured a cup of tea.

The Xueqing River saw that he was really no heart, and it was a bit slower.

"Tang brother, please come with me." Xueqing River is in Tang three.

Tang San got up and prepared to discuss with it, but the hand was pulled by the little dance.

Tang San's smile in a little worried, said: "Don't worry, I will come back soon."

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