Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 352

He patted the hand of the little dance and comforted her.

The little dance nodded.

She, don't like this delicious man named Xuekang River.

She can't say why, this is clearly a person who is very easy to make people feel like Ningfeng, but her heart doesn't get up.

The Xueqing River does not mind, from the intelligence she has already known this girl named Xiao Dance and Tang San is the relationship between the couple, and the stick Tang is also normal.

Tang Successs all in one fell swoop to reveal the cultivated Xueqing River left.

The blade fell to the rabbit to refine the cup of tea, smiled: "Little dance sister, don't worry, can not be a small three can still be eaten?"

The little dance has some hearts of the head to take the head of the tea cup.

Ningfeng caused a piece of tea and smiled and said with a knife: "Blade, this time Rong Rong is there?"

The blade smiled and said: "Unexpected, I said, I want to go back to tell Rong Rong, you say that she has no disaster, she is afraid that she is not a good face when she go home."

Ningfeng smiled: "It is also, if you are honored to know, you will not give me a good face, this child is being hampered."



Three people chat in three words in the bright conference room.

After more than ten minutes, the snow and Tang have come back to Tang.

"Xiaosan, what happened to you? Is it so ugly?" Xiao Dance looked at Tang San.

Tang San hooks: "Nothing, you don't have to worry."

Ningfeng caused, anyone knowing such a news, is it difficult to calm?

His eyes gave a knife with a cup of tea.

After the snow, the snow, I laughed and chatted with everyone. When he left him, he tried to the blade: "The door here is open to three open, if it is useful to open the river despite the opening."

The blade smiled and watched, saying, must.

Tang Sanfong, the face is still not good, the little dance looks at Tang San.

The blade pair to the Xueqing River and Ningfeng to the gang: "Then let's leave, eat, eat together, I invite guests."

Ning Feng shook his head smile, this kid is worthy of his future son-in-law.

My little witch! Have you added it again!

The snow clear river is not smiling, and there are still many people who are so casual in front of her.

When the knife is three people, when Qi Tian didn't know which corner was taken out, scare a small dance.

In the leadership of Qi Tian, ​​everyone got this aversion war fortress ...

"Teacher, Tang San and the blade really can use us?"

Ningfeng did not look at the tea cup: "Qinghe, if you want to get the help of Tang San, you don't want to attract him, but you have to make friends sincere."

"He is a person who is serious, talking to him is more effective than talking about interest."

The Xueqing River nodded, from the collection of information, it is true, and Shen Yao is open: "How do teachers see how the teacher looks?"

Ning Feng caused half a cup of tea in his hand for a long time without opening.

The Xueqing River did not ask, she knew that this man is thinking.

Huiliu Ningfeng put down the tea cup of the hand shook his head on the snow: "I can't see him ..."

The snow Qinghe is a bit surprised. If you say people, Ningfeng will definitely take the top three in the mainland!

But why ... he will say not to blame?

She is still very sensible to the blade this person, and its talent is never in Tang San, while the short-lived is in the past, and the temperament is also dusty.

Of course, the appearance is even more absolute. When I first see, she can't help but pick up the heart.

Such a feature is obvious to the extreme, why get a conclusion?

"Teacher, why ..."

Ningfeng caused shake his head: "Interaction with him, sincerely, any excessive move may bring unpredictable variables."

Just like him, there is no side of the side of the blade to the side of the blade.

The snow clear river smiled slightly.

The blade is really a fun person.


The sky is getting black early.

Xiao Dance is still planning to go shopping with Tang San, but the Tang San is not open again after seeing the son.

There is no need to do it, just sit and take the carriage back to the hotel.

Tang San must hear some heavy things, but that is not his blade.

He is going to practice.

They are not locked, in the room, Huang Yuan has entered the cultivation state.

There is also a meal left on the table.

The blade has begun to go to the old position to start today's cultivation.


the next day.

Yesterday's first round of preliminaries have ended, and the next will be two rounds of elimination.

Dammon soul.

In the lounge of the Shrek Academy, everyone did not do anything, because there is no way to make targeted programs without knowing the opponent.

The situation of all strong teams yesterday is also similar to Tang San analysis.

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