Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 360

I saw a lot of time to tell, and I came to the knife dry and thin. The hand was gently touched on the blade.

He went to the face of the blade, and he took a breath.

He enjoys, intoxicated ...

Suddenly, he was rudely pinching the chin of the blade, and bowed this to the amazing face, showing a satisfactory smile on his face, only such a prey is worthy of his expectation.

After receiving a smile, he stretched out his tongue, the scarlet tongue squatted on the face of the blade.

I am very satisfied when I am so delicious!

Looking at the blade of this start to distorted, he smiled, muttered: "Little baby, the game starts ~"

His face mutation, pinching the knife's neck will squat on the ground!

He laughed, his face with an archeed smile, couldn't help but excited because of exciting excitement.

"Hahaha! Come on! Come! Is the blade?"

"Let me listen to your mourning, enjoy your painful expression, slowly enjoy your pain and struggle!"

After smiling, he recovered again, and the face of the face that has been completely distorted, listening to the low sinking ...

Too wonderful, I want to see how the perfect prey encountered so far in how terrible torture.

"I want to see what this kid is experienced!"

As the blade has been curled, the snoring is gradually screaming.

Although I feel comfortable, I feel that my soul is somewhat fluttering.

But not enough! !

He began to bother the hair with the skinny fingers, muttering in his mouth: how can you, how can you like this ...

"How can such a perfect quarry ?!" He roaring this sentence.

Both eyes are all over, die is waiting to struggle on the ground, mourning, calling the sac: Don't come over, let her go, don't go, let me go. Blade.

These must have been very interesting!

I am not willing! This prey does not necessarily touch the second!

How can you enjoy those ordinary goods?

"Ah !!" He roared with his heart.

The post-faceted look is still in the scream blade, with hatred, disgust, and endless!

His face is coming to the front of the knife ...

Then, slamming the blade!

The sound of bone breaks!

Not enough enough!

I took the madness of a blade with an inspiring, listening to this painful mourning, I was painful while I was in my heart.

"why why why?!"

He roared against the blade of vomiting on his side.

"Why is your dog so early ?!"

I slammed the blade, and the blade slammed into an ancient tree.


I walked over the neck of the knife in the past.

Looking at this book is perfect, now it has been stained with fresh blood, and the painful roaring when you are: "Ask, you don't have it when I become a title.!"




"If I is a title, I can see everything you have experienced !!"

"Can be evil! Hate! You damn the dog !!"

His hand tightly took the knife neck, the blade had breathed it, the body continued to spurt in convulsions and blood.

Feeling the life as the chick-like life gradually disappeared, the year was awake in the year of the anger, and quickly put the hand, and put the blade on the ground.

Since the horror, some hands are helpless: "No, no, you, you, you can't have anything! If you do something now, how can I live ?!"

After the hands of the handshake, the breath of the blade is stable.

I was relieved in a sigh of relief, and I killed such a perfect prey.

He has not started to enjoy it.

His cold eyes fell to the face of the face of the pain ...


The hand of the hand was pumped on the blade face, and the blade was swollen and swollen.

On the other side, the other is another side image, and it is a bit scary.

The first thing that is obsessive-compulsive disorder is afraid of the brain.

It's cold and cold: "Dog, if you die, where do I go to find alternatives? Want to die? Thinking down!"

He smiled and got up and his feet were heavedily.

Dream, I haven't ended yet! ! !

Warm and pleasant sun sprinkled.

But from time to time, there is a mad laugh and roaring forest, but people make people feel cold ...

The sky has changed: "The story of this book is over here, thank you all the way !!!"

Said out! (¯ ▽ ¯) σ

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