Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 361

"Don't, don't be hit !!"

"I will start a joke, what is it serious ?! (??????????????????????)

S: Push "Mourning Entertainment Company"

Introduction: Difficult to pass the anime, the story of the grunge, stirring the rain in the Milky movie universe.

The unparalleled plot is a failure, but it is not the old cassette flow, a little bit patient.

(Note that additional these are not in the range of words (¯ ▽ ¯) σ)

The 172th chapter of the year and the blade! Terminal!

At noon, I only feel comfortable.

Looking at this is not an adult shape that he is tortured, but he still deposits the arrogance of the sky, he licked his lips.

Since there is no way to see all the suffering he experienced, then change the low grade tortometric means that he often dismissed often!

He grinned, kneeling down, smiling: "You can enjoy this ultimate wonderful pleasure, you should have no regrets."

That is not willing to be inherently in the eyes of the dead blade, it is not to hate the eyes of thousands of knives!

When you have a kind laugh: "If there is a next life, you must fall to the old man. The old man will once again let you enjoy this ultimate pain."

His hand fell on the neck of the blade blood.

He smiled and stared at him.

Step by step by step ...

Looking at the blade that started against blood, white eyes and gradually turned it, I was very satisfied.

" ..."

When the struggle in your hand is no longer, you get up at the time. Haha laugh ...

happy! happy!

But laughing is almost ok, he snorted and slowly twisted.

how is this possible!

He, how can it be ...

The blade smile: "Can you share with me what makes you so happy?"

During the speech, the heart of the heart from the heart of the heart from his thin chest.

After pulling out the sword, the blade counter handed his head, but some resistance.

It is also no wonder, it is a soul, and the neck is hard.



Bring endless doubts during death.

The blade smiled and shakes: "Really, he didn't answer, just crying, laughing, is there!"

It's not careful to use it at the end of the heavens, this is a little bit of baby!

The blade has some heartache.

However, this old man crying and laughing is not too losing.

His knife is content.


The blade is somewhat surprised to watch the body of ten meters away.

What is the situation of the purple in his head?

Does he still put the big trick after death? !

The blade smiled: I just said that the soul of the soul may be so clean.

Sure enough, there is a backhand!

He is vigilant.

As long as the situation does not make a wonderful, he will immediately open the fourth soul skills!

But after half a time, I still didn't see it there.

The cat explored the head behind a big tree, and some doubtful looked at the purple object that has fallen on the ground.

Isn't it a self-explosion?

The blade decided to try it.

Blade in hand.

First soul technology - the first sword!

The first sword falls on the purple object, in addition to hitting it, did not cause damage.

The big explosion in the blade is not coming.

The blade is muttered: "Isn't it behind?"

Try it again!

After cutting a dozen swords, the blade was careful.

Pulling the Purple Stuff with the blade with the edge.

After thinking, the blade was surprised: "Soul!"

Then there is no expression: "It turns out, I am nervous."

Picking up this piece is not like the soul bones of the bones.

The soul bones are useless to him. He will never integrate these messy things into the body.

Because his body has a special name in the family - no sloth!

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