Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 362

There is no special effect, no increase, no acceleration, no extraction.

The only use is to break the resistance to the resistance to reduce the resistance to one tenth of the same class monk.

Although the effect is very ordinary, the blade has a unique momentum.

Therefore, the blade will not take the risk of destroying the risk of !

I also blame him too old, it is really reluctant to be ordinary, but I have a physical fitness with him from the moment!


After he got up, he looked at the same time.

He still has no means to destroy the kill.

This is very difficult.

However, it is not much.

After buried, the shovel still stayed after the wretched man named nothing.

Hand Fright, the body of the body was incident in the empty corner of the soul tunator.

Blood spots on the ground, this must also be handled.

There is also the grass in the end of the inhalation of the heavenly pollen in the end of the year, and this is also dealt with.

The blade is very good at these.

Freshwater flies up the blood of the big beach.

The big powder is spilled out to eliminate bloody smell.

Then, the site is repaired, that is, it is difficult to see if there is nothing to see.

Eliminate obvious footprints.

After half an hour, the blade was satisfied with a look at the field.

Then leave, but it is not going back to the Empire City.

After going out of ten, the blade looked around a circle, it is a good place.

Just here!

The shovel is in hand, carefully take out the plants on this small grass.

Next is the labor - digging pit.


Re-covered the completely removed turf, the blade squats on the ground to repair it, divide it.

It is seen that in addition to taking a slightly bump than the original, other almost completely general grass.

I nodded with a blade, it seems that his craft is so skilled!

Make sure that no one is more enjoyable to the sky.

When he returned to the hotel room, he saw Zhu Ziqing at the door.

I heard the footsteps, the low-headed Zhu Zhuqing quickly saw the footsteps, and worried in his eyes.

When I saw this familiar figure and smile, the worried thing in her eyes and always put it down.

The blade walked to him, smiled: "Zhu Qing, is there anything to find?"

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head: "No, I am thinking about something."

After finishing her a single room with Ning Rongrong.

The blade steps will stop her in front of her.

Look at the blade in front of him, Zhu Zhu Qing whispered: "I, go back to practice."

Her heart is a little panic.

The blade smiled and said: "Zhu Qing said, what is going on,"

"I ..." Zhu Zhuqing just wanted to open.

"Bamboo Qing, you don't have to have too many concerns between me, if you say it within our capacity, you said."

The blade smiled and interrupted her.

Zhu Zhuqing: He, what is he talking? !

What are you talking between me? !

He, is he ...

He, how can he like this? !

What is the blade? Some confused: Zhu Qing, how did you suddenly be red?

What do I do? !

I want to set it out? !

Zhu Zhuqing's cold face with seductive red halves, she didn't dare to look at the blade, and the heart like a little deer.

This is not Zhu Zhuqing.

After Zhu Zhu calm down, she hesitated to slow down.

The blade is out.

It turned out that after leaving soon, Fland suddenly stood up and his face changed.

Frand did not say that everyone is in detail, and he greets the sound of Zhao Wuyi and Liu Erlong. After reading the game, he returned to the hotel after reading the game. The three rushed away ...

S: Push "This immortal can't afford to provoke", big thoughts! The sky has changed! (¯ ▽ ¯) σ

Chapter 173 Chapter Zhu Ziqing's confession

At that time, everyone didn't understand, but they didn't think too much.

No matter what, there are three soul santels that should be solved smoothly.

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