Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 369

The blade will hold the blade, and some headache is a forehead.

Falling, I have forgotten "setting wake-up conditions" when I entered cultivation.

The small dance tears rushed over and pushed the blade.

"Small three! You, you are fine ?!" The rabbit has a good time.

Tang San swayed his hand and coughed a blood.

There is no preparation, completely in the dream tour, I'm going to be such a violent, for him, even if the body has been transformed into two kinds of grass.

He is never underwell ...

Looking at the Tang San, the rabbit tears were brush, he helped the Tang three stood up, and the blade was angry: "Dead knife! Do you do it ?!"

The blade is bitter and smiling: "I'm really couldn't help, the instinct reaction, I can't accept it at a time."

"What is the use?! I am fighting with you!" The rabbit is refreshing and red, tears, and it seems to be very pity.

She is holding a powder box to squat.

There is no dodge of the blade and smile.

Zhu Ziqing's eyes are anxious, is preparing to stop the little dance of the mood, but someone will take the lead in shooting.

The rabbit hit in Tang Sanzhu Jingxiao said: "Brother, you open, recognize me, he!"

Tang San used a sleeve to wipe the blood of his mouth, pull the hand of the little dance: "Little dance, don't worry, I am fine ..."

"Nothing ?! You have vomited blood!" The little dance took a cry.

Tang San mouth with a smile, his hand is lightly stuck in the cheek of the little dance, letting her wipe the class of the corner, the soft voice: "Nothing, my brother is very powerful, this is nothing to me, Xiao Dance Don't cry, you will not look good ... "

The little dance is in the comfort of Tang San, but the eyes of the blade are still not good.

"And I believe that the blade is not intentional."


Tang San saw Xiao Dance to calm down, and then relieve tones. At the same time, he was warm and moving.

It turns out that I am also so important in the babies.

He patted the shoulders of the little dance and turned to look down.

His eyes have helplessness and observations.

The blade is looking at it, and it is bitter.

[Transfer] Blade: Cats and Cute, how can I let her give it to others! ! ≧ ▽ ≦

What is Zhu Jun? (¯ ▽ ¯) σ

Chapter 177 Change! Blade debut!

"Xiaosan, I am wrong, forgive me this time?" The blade opened.

The rest of the mouth is smoked.

Tang San face is quirky, it also knows that he is not intentional, but his reaction is too fierce? !

He Tang San is just a little shot him! It's just like it? !

I am boring: "I am afraid that I have to cultivate two days in Tharen."

The knife is kindly, she pulled his hand, comfortable: "Xiaosan, you will rest in peace, everything is there."

Tang San is a slightly pale face that is not a black.

Seeing the master and others, he looked at him with the blade. He looked back at the little dance. He saw the tears on the small dance, but it was already a silver tooth. I can't eat the blade.

He wants to pull it out, but the blade's hand is unable to compete with iron clamps.

He helplessly: "That's going to you."

The blade smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will not drag everyone's hind legs."

His hand touched the little hand of Tang San, as the big leaders expressed intimate for small people, and it was approximately.

"Well." Tang San unsonestly pulled the hand from the control of the blade.

The blade's hand is really smooth ...

Tang San:"……"

what! What do I think about? ! I like a small dance! !

I thought about it later: "How to get it seems to be what I can't get the game?"

Tang San:"……"

"But the problem is solved, the small three, you will rest in peace, there is me and everyone is no problem."

The blade smiled and took the shoulder of Tang San.

Tang three black face: What is you? !

After deep breathing, Tang San said: "The next chance is handed over to you."

The blade smiled nodded: "This is really couldn't don't."

Tang San shake his head: "Nothing, I will repair it for two days."

"Well." The blade looked at the rabbit of the drum drum in the Tang Dynasty.

Sincere said: "Little Dance Sister, I just didn't leave my little three, you have a few punches, I will never pay back!"

The rabbit is fresh and a red, what my little three? ! What is the dead blade say? !

"You, you are not intentional, but if there is another time, the little dance sister must kill you!"

The little dance is actually used to refute the blade, but directly raised the powder box to threaten him.

"You can rest assured, kill, I don't dare to come back!" The blade patted his chest.

The crowd of everyone is, this is still a small dance that is desperate and desperate with the blade?

After watching the blade, the master came to Tang San, and the stiffness was slightly painful and concerned.

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