Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 370

"Small three, what is your injury?"

Tang Song shakes his head: "Please worry about your teacher, I am fine, it is afraid that it can't play these two days."

Master nodded: "Resting peace of mind."

Then his eyes returned to the blade: "" Because there is an unpredictable factor ... "

"I understand, the master, you can rest assured, if I lose the game, you will interrupt my leg!" The blade interrupts the master.

The master was smashed, he did to give a knife warning, and did not want to have a blade to be robbed.

His this is a stiff face, a bit of a bit, and nodded in the face.

After the development of quiet observation of the development of the situation, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Zhu Zhuqing and other ways: "In the afternoon, he commanded the blade when he was in the hospital."

Dai Mu and white eyes are cloudy, and Tang San him can endure, because Tang San is in this regard to exceed him.

But I think about this ticking his woman's dog riding on his head, he is highly packed, he feels shameful to the extreme.

I want to oppose it, but I think that Tang San is not hesitant to choose him, and about Ma Hongjun, Oscar, Huang Yuan and others seem to have no opinion, Zhu Zhuqing ... This stinky woman smiled!

He knows that his opposition will only be unreasonable, such as a clown ...

The master of the master swept the people: "Since no one has opinion, then, the blade, you re-develop the operation plan."

The knife is nodded, and the road is behind: "Just now ... because of my sake, I have a powerful force ... small accidents."

Ma Hongjun and others looked at the face or some pale Tang San and the two booths on the ground: I think this accident is not small.

"Leading to the small three unable to play, so that we lack a top-level force, I am deeply apologetic and deep self ..."

Tang San, everyone: "..."

"But the game is still to continue, since the master will give me the responsibility of the command, then I will try my best."

The blade looks serious about everyone.

Everyone's inexplicable feelings have an invisible pressure.

"So let us take some time to re-establish the operation plan."

The blade went to the meeting table.

Everyone has dropped.

Tang San and the master curious, how he will develop a combat plan.

The blade glanced over a circle of people to slowly open: "The hard strength of the Canghui College is much better than us, but there may be a strong means of hidden martial arts integration skills."

"But these means are often accomplished, or ready time, and this time is fatal!"

The blade hand supported the meeting table, the face is placed as a water, the road: "Bottom, big things, but can be used to use it again, as long as we quickly defeat them quickly, they will have no The opportunity to win. "

"So, the afternoon battle plan is the moment that started in the game, except Oscar, everyone rushed to defeat them!"

Everyone: "..."

Don't say that everyone is, the master and Tang San are also stunned.

The plans they only have to discuss with it.

Their main idea is because they don't know that the college is the end of the school, so it cannot be rashly moved, so excused by the other party to find a flaw, causing casualties.

Overall strength, the other party is definitely not as good as he, so we must steady, slowly ...

The last victory must belong to Shrek!

Tang San Some hesitated open mouth: "Blade, will this, will it be too urgent?"

The master looked at the blade. He also felt that this plan was too military broken, and there was no technique, it was completely a group of boxed groups, and his fist directly.

Winning is not big, but steady stabilization will be more technical and more secure.

The blade smiled and shook his head: "He is hesitant to make the destined victory, as long as our sword is enough, victory is the thing in our bag."

The master thinks, I nodded after a moment: "If you have it, you will come by it."

"Since the master has no opinion, the combat plan is so fixed."

The blade smiled and said to everyone: "Let's go to the game first, I will give a small three simple treatment."

Tang San shake his head: "Don't have this, I don't hurt, I will come."

The injury is not heavy, that is, the internal organs are unsatisfactory, and will be shifted ...

The blade smiled and said: "I want to make up your fault to you."

Tang San:"……"

Everyone: "..."

S: Push "Pirates of the Sword" "Giant", the sky has changed online, recommended (¯ ▽ ¯) σ

Also, I would like to thank Li's reward in a certain point. ? (????)

The 178th chapter should not ask, don't you ask?

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the blade and was curious.

What did he just reach is too terrible? What is his in the past?

She wants to know him more.

Others are not this ideal in the hearts, just see the blade deliberately avoided, fade, is an annoyed rabbit.

They went up to watch the game, but the little dance is still there.

In addition to worrying about Tang San's injury, because she is afraid of the blade to seduce her small three ...

She knows her own ideas, but she is afraid ~

Of course, she is afraid that the small third is seduce.

Because she suddenly found that this guy didn't seem to have a rude treated Tang three, at other times, it was more gentle than her Tang San!

Xiao Dance is a bit worry ...

Fortunately, the blade does not know what the rabbit is thinking about it. Otherwise:

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