Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 376

The blade smiled and looked at his Zhu Zhuqing: "Let's go, quickly defeat the Canghui College and then we easily watch the game."

Zhu Zhu nodded.

What did he think when he is in a daze? I want to make a good fan.


"The next thing to do is the Slack College's War and Hui College !!!"

"The Shrake Institute is the largest black horse in this competition, they have the least five souls! What is terrible strength!"

Salas knows this strength is very good, and it is a top talent, but the power of the Wushu Temple is not what they can imagine.

"Looking forward to it next they have brought us more surprises!"

"Let us welcome them to enter the field with the most enthusiastic applause! The applause sounds !!!"


"Sister, the name is not playing in Tang San ~"

"Well." The water is nodded, she has long noticed, and the opposite man is not in the audience, so it is very likely that it will be available.

Just, if the man exists as a bottom card, why will it be dispatched in the college of the Horizon College?

Don't say that they don't understand, many of the colleges who have used Shileke as a false enemy, such as Zhimai Academy, Water Academy, Thunder College, Shenfeng College and other strong teams.

"Hey! Why is the Shrek Academy will have a Tang San player with a Wannian Soul ring ?!" The host's excitement rang with the moment of the blade and others in the city.

With his voice, the staff who controlled the huge projection wall over the Great Fight Soul quickly switched the picture to the new front.

The blade looked up and looked at the warm atmosphere, and it took an instant!

"I am going, this guy is still a person ?!"

"No? What is the situation ?!"

"Men !!"

"Haroish !!"

"Love beans, I want to give you a monkey !!"

"Ugly male, roll you !!"


Ning Rong looked at the audience and the gigant who couldn't help but joke: "This guy is generally general, as for?"

Liu Dilong smiled, the mouth is a little girl, when can you learn gentle?

"Men !!"

The head is behind the head, because this sound is from she.

Water spirit is orthogonized to shout in the field.

The water of the water is a black, and the face of the Tianshui College is lost by this girl!

A stalks will reward her.

"Hey! Dry ..." Shui Linger, I am very dissatisfied with this eye, but I will close my face.

Water ice is removed ...

"Men !!"

Water ice: "..."

The rest of the Tianshui Academy silently gave this not afraid of death, it was a good time to shoot with a small boxing in a small boxing, and a charming smile.

The host is introducing both parties ...

He wants to leave Shrek's newly played to the end!

S: Tenswear for [Zhu Zhu Qing Single Winner! " ? (????)

S: Push "Douro's Nuclear Bug Luo" Buddha is trying! The sky has changed, this book thieves! ( '▽ `)

Chapter 182, blade, black! (Chapter order! (▄█? █ ●)

The blade is a bit helpless, these only pay attention to the vulgarity of his appearance, always ignore him in the inner perfect.

The world is really sad!

Forty-five degrees looks up to the huge projection on the sky.

There hanged there was his handsome face ...

Zhu Zhuqing feels great, he is too good, as long as he is here, he is the focus of the field.

Others are also very hurt, they don't have this treatment when they play.

The participants of the Cangxi College were vigilant in the blade and others.

They are amazed to the Shrake College, but they are not afraid.

But I don't dare to be bad.

The sound of the referee came from: "Open the Soul, Bright Soul!"

On the table, the church of the Salas church is falling on the blade.

He didn't expect this young man who was being optimistic about the pope.

Then look at his strength ...

Ningfeng's eyes slightly slightly Salas, browned micro-wrinkles.

Is there a woman who wants to take an embarrass of his future?

And everyone in the field opened the martial arts and soul rings in the first time.

There are people in the field, all of which are top-level soul rings.

"Let's see the blade players of the Shrek Academy! He is also a soul !!"

"And his martial arts [blade] is such a dazzling, the soul ring is more strange! It is actually a hundred years of soul rings and three thousand years of soul ring !!"

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