Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

Douro's Sword Change Chapter 377

"Blade players are also like the Level absorption of Tang San players !!"


On the highest look, Salas nodded, it was good, strength, talent, soul rings were very good, but also valued the empire.

The Snow Night Emperor is like a sleeping lion, only faintly looking at the field ...

The Canghui College has two 40th soul, but this gold content is not better than the Shrek Academy, not only quantity is also quality.

Their age card is attending the biggest aging point of the Soul Competition.

Its seven people hold a gemstone, and the color is divided into seven.

There is a trace of deliberately matching this.

To be honest, the people of the Cangxi College are also a little panic, don't worry about what they have, and there is five souls!

Their captain is a man with a cold and proud man, with a pair of dead fish eyes, a purple team is quite a little bit of the taste.

Looking at the opposite knife and others, his face is dignified, and the sound of the three men and three women behind him: "According to the plan action."

Behind the people know that there is five souls opposite, and only the trick can win!

What is the introduction of the host is still ...

The blade smiled and looked at himself and greeted himself.

The squadroned heads, turned to the female team members who smoked against the blade.

The female team member is busy with his face.

The captain of the Cangxi College has been highly vigilant.

Gao proud is not equal to stupidity, he felt the pressure that Shrek's other players did not give him a pressure.

He is too calm.

Others are at least because the Cang Xi College is pleased to be warned, but in him, the captain of the Cang Xi College can't see a division.

The blade smiled nodded against the dead fish of the dead.

Why do you look at people? People are just a new soul of the soul!

"Let's look forward to what surprises from the Cang Xi College and the Shrek Academy to bring us !!"

The audience 's cheers shouted to the sky, but women seem to have to stand on the blade.

Ning Rongrong is a bit of nervous look at the field.

Be sure to win ...

After Qiaozhuang dressed, the Xueqing River sat on the ordinary auditorium, and a pair of bright and clear eyes look forward to the field.

"I hope that your strength is really like a teacher."

Both parties are already ready!

Everyone in the Canghui College has grown the gemstone in his hand.

The referee has no expression of the two sides.

"Fighting - start!"

The blade belt this faint smile and the sword is standing, and it can't say a free and easy, just like a gentleman, the people in people.

But at the same time of the referee, the sword is in the hands!

First soul technology - the first sword!

First sword! First sword! First sword!


The blade is in the hands of the sword, the residue begins!

He doesn't care about what the big invested is.

He only believes that in a destined battle, who is the sword, who can master the active!

That's right! This is the reason why he is very stunned!

His stunned, don't say that the people of the Cang Xi College were shocked.

It is Dai Mu White and other people who understand his combat style, why not be shocked!

They also thought that the blade will be converged in this occasion, and they did not expect ...

The huge venue is that it is boiling, but the mutual fire!

Between the electric light, the seven-eighth swords from the blade have arrived at the Cangxi College and so on! !

Do you end this battle? !

No way? !

No way? !

of course not!

Just in the first moment of the Jianmang to slap in the people of the Cangxi College, the two people rose black soul rings at the foot!

The fourth soul technology - the rush of the gem!

The fourth soul technology - light asylum!

The two-color energy shroud will envelop the seven people.




The attack of the blade actually did not produce any effective killing!

The blade is praised: it is worthy of the team that the Shrek Academy has at least five souls and dare to fight. This response is really extraordinary!

So, he has to be serious ...

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